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. 2019 Oct 30;85(22):e01435-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01435-19


Occurrence of Gram-negative Enterobacterales strains, nonfermenting organisms, and PFGE type 00531 ESBL-producing K. oxytoca isolates in environmental samples obtained during on-site inspection of risk areas

Room Sampling point Counts (CFU/ml or total Gram-negative bacterial count) Microbiological differentiation CTX-M PFGE type 00531/ST201 K. oxytoca
Nursing care room, storage rooms Working basin, siphon 2.1 × 105 Serratia marcescens
Hand wash basin, siphon water 1.6 × 106 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Raoultella terrigena Negative
Enterobacter cloacae complex Negative
Hand wash basin, drainage hole cover Scattered/swab (no CFU/ml) E. cloacae complex Negative
K. pneumoniae Negative
Staff toilet Hand wash basin, fresh water Not evaluable/100 ml Gram-negative nonfermenting rods
Hand wash basin, siphon water 1.5 × 104 P. aeruginosa, S. maltophilia
Toilet, water 1.0 S. maltophilia
Staff room Kitchen sink, siphon water 3.0 × 105 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
P. aeruginosa Negative
Water reservoir tank, espresso machine 10.0 CFU/50 ml S. maltophilia
Hygiene sluice, PNC Hand wash basin, siphon water 1.3 × 104 P. aeruginosa, Gram-negative nonfermenting rods
Basement, laundry room Tumble dryer, water tray Not evaluable/50 ml Gram-negative nonfermenting rods
Washing machine 1, residual water, rubber mantle 3.9 × 102 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Washing machine 1, detergent compartment Not evaluable/swab K. oxytoca Positive Yes
P. aeruginosa Negative
Washing machine 2, detergent compartment Not evaluable/swab P. aeruginosa
Laundry Hat 1 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Hat 2 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Hat 3 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Hat 4 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Socks 1 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
Socks 2 >109 K. oxytoca Positive Yes
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure