Table 1.
Frameworks | Authors, year |
1. Waterfall model | Royce, 1970 [28] |
2. PRECEDE-PROCEEDa model | Green, 1974 [29] |
3. Prototyping model | Floyd, 1984 [30] |
4. Five-phase cancer control model | Greenwald and Cullen, 1985 [31] |
5. Flay’s eight-stage health promotion model | Flay, 1986 [32] |
6. V life cycle model | Rook, 1986 [33] |
7. Spiral life cycle model | Boehm, 1988 [34] |
8. Star life cycle model | Harston and Dix, 1989 [35] |
9. Rapid application development | Martin, 1991 [36] |
10. National Institute on Drug Abuse’s (NIDA) stage model | Onken et al, 1997 [37] |
11. Intervention mapping | Bartholomew et al, 1998 [38] |
12. Usability engineering life cycle | Mayhew, 1999 [39] |
13. Agile software management | Beck et al, 2001 [40] |
14. Information technology (IT) implementation framework | Kukafka et al, 2003 [41] |
15. Multiphase Optimization STrategy (MOST) | Collins et al, 2005 [42] |
16. Framework for evaluating emergent eHealth resources | Pagliari, 2007 [43] |
17. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement for nonpharmacologic treatments | Boutron et al, 2008 [44] (updated in Boutron et al, 2017 [45]) |
18. Iterative and incremental model | Cockburn, 2008 [46] |
19. Medical Research Council (MRC) complex intervention | Craig et al, 2008 [47] |
20. eHealth interventions evaluation process | Catwell and Sheikh, 2009 [48] |
21. Center for eHealth Research (CeHRes) roadmap for the development of eHealth technologies | Van Gemert-Pijnen et al, 2011 [49], and Van Velsen et al, 2013 [50] |
22. The behavior change wheel | Michie et al, 2011 [51] |
23. Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials of Electronic and Mobile HEalth Applications and onLine TeleHealth (CONSORT-EHEALTH) | Eysenbach et al, 2011 [52], and Eysenbach et al, 2013 [53] |
24. mHealth development and evaluation framework | Whittaker et al, 2012 [17] |
25. Explore Values, Operationalize and Learn, and eValuate Efficacy (EVOLVE) mixed-methods model | Peterson et al, 2013 [54] |
26. Development process of Young and Active | Riiser et al, 2013 [55] |
27. It’s LiFe! User-centered design process | Van der Weegen et al, 2013 [56] |
28. DoTTIb development framework | Smits et al, 2014 [57] |
29. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stage model | Onken et al, 2014 [58] |
30. Behavioral intervention technology model | Mohr et al, 2014 [12] |
31. Five-step content validity process | Kassam-Adams et al, 2015 [59] |
32. Steps for developing a text-messaging program | Abroms et al, 2015 [60] |
33. Person-based approach | Riiser et al, 2013 [55], and Yardley et al, 2015 [61] |
34. Obesity-Related Behavioral Intervention Trials (ORBIT) model | Van der Weegen et al, 2013 [56], and Czajkowski et al, 2015 [62] |
35. Pragmatic Framework for developing just-in-time adaptive interventions (JITAIs) | Smits et al, 2014 [57], and Nahum-Shani et al, 2015 [63] |
36. TElehealth in CHronic disease (TECH) conceptual model | Salisbury et al, 2015 [64] |
37. Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx) model | Gustafson et al, 2016 [65] |
38. Integrate, Design, Assess, and Share (IDEAS) framework | Mummah et al, 2016 [66] |
39. Chronic disease mHealth app intervention design framework | Wilhide III et al, 2016 [67] |
40. Three-phase human-centered design methodology | Harte et al, 2017 [68] |
41. DREAM-GLOBALc framework | Maar et al, 2017 [69] |
42. Processes and recommendations for creating mHealth apps for low-income populations | Stephan et al, 2017 [70] |
43. Accelerated Creation-To-Sustainment (ACTS) model | Mohr et al, 2017 [71] |
44. User-centered design process | Vilardaga et al, 2018 [72] |
45. Eight-step scoping framework | Davidson et al, 2019 [73] |
46. Targeting, Understanding, Designing, Evaluating, and Refining (TUDER) framework | Wang et al, 2019 [74] |
aPRECEDE-PROCEED: Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation—Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development.
bDoTTI: Design and develOpment, Testing early iterations, Testing for effectiveness, Integration and implementation.
cDREAM-GLOBAL: Diagnosing hypeRtension—Engaging Action and Management in Getting LOwer Bp in Aboriginal and LMIC (lower- and middle-income countries).