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. 2019 Oct 2;9(20):11863–11877. doi: 10.1002/ece3.5694

Table 2.

Results for sex‐specific generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) of annual reproductive success (ARS) for Brown Treesnake (Boiga irregularis) from a geographically closed population on Guam. GLMMs were run for (A) complete sex‐specific data sets (male = 661 records; female = 735 records) and (B) sex‐specific data sets filtered by SVL to include only likely adult records (male = 312 records; female = 367 records). Sex‐specific ARS was modeled as a linear function of four annual fixed effects (“Parameter”): average body condition index (“BCI”), standardized average snout–vent length (“SVL”), the number of times the individual was captured in a baited trap (“Trappability”), and the individual's genome‐wide estimate of inbreeding (“Inbreeding”). GLMMs also included individual and year of sampling as random effects (not shown). GLMMs employed a Poisson error distribution with a log‐link

Fixed effect Male ARS Female ARS
Estimate SE LRT p Estimate SE LRT p
(A) Complete
BCI 4.194 0.938 19.240 <0.001 1.723 0.736 5.616 0.018
SVL 1.755 0.290 68.804 <0.001 1.683 0.262 78.852 <0.001
Trappability 0.113 0.034 11.730 <0.001 0.049 0.020 5.623 0.018
Inbreeding 0.404 1.388 0.085 0.771 −0.582 1.219 0.223 0.636
(B) SVL‐filtered
BCI 4.365 1.004 18.393 <0.001 1.369 0.734 3.548 0.060
SVL 1.601 0.415 14.971 <0.001 1.013 0.365 7.556 0.006
Trappability 0.113 0.036 10.810 0.001 0.044 0.020 4.664 0.031
Inbreeding 0.621 1.439 0.187 0.666 −0.505 1.138 0.194 0.660

Significance of fixed effects was assessed with likelihood ratio tests of the global model containing the effect of interest against a null model without the effect, with significant p‐values in bold (χ 2, α = 0.05). Estimates and standard errors are reported for effects in the global model to avoid overestimation of effect sizes.

Abbreviations: Estimate, statistical value; LRT, log‐likelihood ratio; p, p‐value; SE, standard error.