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. 2019 Oct 3;11(1):29–41.

Table I.

— Recommendations for a standardised educational programme in robot assisted gynaecological surgery: elements that reached 80–100% agreement on the Google form survey using the Delphi process.

No. Question/Answer Consensus
0. Curriculum – General Agreement
1 Q: Do you agree that a standardised robotic training curriculum for gynaecology will be advantageous to robotic training? A standardised robotic training curriculum for gynecology will be advantageous to robotic training (100%).
1. Qualification
Trainer & Trainee
2 Q: Experienced surgeons are exempt from completing the advanced procedural training assessment. But should learn about the basic training in new robotic systems, if they are using a new system? Experienced surgeons are exempt from completing the advanced procedural training assessment; but they should learn about the basic training in new robotic systems, if they are using a new system (100%).
3 Q: Experienced surgeons should still study and be tested on the advanced robotic curriculum? 50%; failed
4 Q: What is the minimum number of cases that a trainee should be mentored/proctored by an experienced trainer before they are independent surgeons? The minimum number of cases that a trainee should be mentored/proctored by an experienced trainer before they are independent surgeons is 10 cases (80%).
5 Q: Should trainers/proctors be assessed and certified? Trainers/proctors should be assessed and certified (100%).
6 Q: Should surgeons continue to report their outcomes after ‘certification’ with a standardised reporting template? 60%; failed
7 Q: Should training centers be assessed and accredited via a recognised society? Training centers should be assessed and accredited via a recognized society (100%).
8 Q: Should training centers be accredited related to case volume in the specialty via a recognised society? Training centers should be accredited related to case volume in the specialty via a recognized society (80%).
9 Q: Should training centers be accredited related to the expertise of the trainers and the case volume in the robotic hospital affiliated with the training centre. If so how many cases/year are required? Training centers should be accredited related to the expertise of the trainers and a case volume of >100 cases /year in the robotic hospital affiliated with the training centre (90%).
10 Q: Components of a standard reporting template should include which components? Components of a standard reporting template should include patient specific details (80%), comorbidities (80%), BMI (80%), operation details (80%), length of stay (80%), pre-operative staging (80%), operation time (90%), pathological staging(80%, readmission rate (80%), Clavien-Dindo (80%).
2. Course/ Content of Curriculum
11 Q: Should the curriculum be divided into stages? The curriculum should be divided into stages (90%).
Basic Training
12 Q: The basic robotic curriculum should include which parts/stages (can tick multiple answers as required) Basic robotic curriculum should include baseline evaluation (90%), e-learning module (online access to information) (80%), simulation based training (100%), robotic theatre (bedside) observation (90); team simulation (90%).
13 Q: Baseline evaluation should include which parts/stages (can tick multiple answers as required). Baseline evaluation should include VR simulation (90%) and written knowledge test (80%).
14 Q: E-learning should include which elements for basic training (can tick multiple answers as required) E-learning should include designated elements for basic training:
Information on patient selection (100%), Information on port placement (100%), How to dock the robot cart (100%), Trouble shooting (100%), Link to FRS (80%), Theatre team efficiencies (100%), Non-technical skills (90%), Standardized emergency management (90%)
15 Q: The required operating room observation should be: The required operating room observation should be case number dependent (90%).
16 Q: Basic simulation training should include: Basic simulation training should include VR simulation (100%), Dry lab training (100%, Wet-lab training (90%).
17 Q: Trainees should pass the basic training before commencing the advanced training? Trainees should pass the basic training before commencing the advanced training (90%).
Advanced Training
18 Q: Advanced robotic training should include? Advanced robotic training should include e-learning on index procedures with video demonstration (100%), access to video library (100%), simulation training (90%), modular console training (90%), transition to full training (100%), final evaluation (90%).
19 Q: Advanced e-learning should include: Advanced E-learning should include modular (stepwise) approach (100%), information on patient selection and preparation (100%), port placement (90%), non-technical skills training (90%), trouble shooting (100%), emergency scenario management information (100%), list of additional equipment that should be available in theatre (90%).
20 Q: Non-technical skills training should include. 70%; failed
21 Q: Team training should include. Team Training should include emergency scenarios (80%), team decision making (80%), bedside assistance (90%), docking (90%) and patient turnaround (80%).
3. Structure of Curriculum
Target Groups
22 Q: Robotic curriculum training should take into account the experience of the different target groups to include (can tick multiple boxes) Robotic curriculum training should take into account the experience of residents (100%), fellows (100%), robot naïve (100%), nurses (90%), lap surgeons (90%).
23 Q: Do you agree that there should be a common approach for basic robotic skills training with a similar pathway across subspecialty groups? Agreement that there should be a common approach for basic robotic skills training with a similar pathway across subspecialty groups (90%).
24 Q: Is a stepwise approach (modular training) to an index procedure advantageous to training? A stepwise approach (modular training) to an index procedure is regarded advantageous (100%).
25 Q: Is an index procedure, which should be mastered within a given period of time, necessary? An index procedure mastered within a given period of time is necessary (80%).
26 Q: If so, do you agree that for benign gynecology a suitable index procedure would be? A suitable index procedure for benign gynecology would be benign hysterectomy (90%).
27 Q: If so, do you agree that for gynecology oncology a suitable index procedure would be? A suitable index procedure for gynecological oncology would be pelvic lymphadenectomy (80%).
28 Q: Is a resident experienced trainer/proctor necessary when the trainee is proceeding to ‘transition to full procedure’ in the surgeons home institution? A resident experienced trainer/proctor is necessary when the trainee is proceeding to “transition to full procedure” in the surgeons home institution (100%).
4. Test Instruments
  Q: Each section of the e-learning should have questions to evaluate knowledge. Each section of the e-learning should have questions to evaluate knowledge (90%).
30 Q: Advanced e-learning modules should be evaluated with online tests? Advanced E-learning modules should be evaluated with online tests (100%).
Evaluation, Analysis
31 Q: Non-technical skills training should be evaluated with a scoring system? Non-technical skills training should be evaluated with a scoring system (80%).
32 Q: Non-technical skills can be sufficiently assessed with NOTSS (Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons)? Non-technical skills can be sufficiently assessed with NOTSS (80%).
33 Q: Would trainees benefit from validated scoring systems to provide more consistent feedback? Trainees would benefit from validated scoring systems to provide more consistent feedback (90%).
34 Q: Should full procedure technique be evaluated with a submitted video to certified independent examiners? Full procedure technique should be evaluated with a submitted video to certified independent examiners (80%).
35 Q: If answer to above yes, which case number should be sent for analysis and feedback? 70%, failed
36 Q: Evaluation of videos should be completed with a validated standardised scoring system? Evaluation of videos should be completed with a validated standardized scoring system (80%).
37 Q: Scoring systems for video analysis should include (can tick multiple boxes)? Scoring systems for video analysis should include a combination of subjective and objective scoring systems (e.g. GEARS, OSATS, a new objective scoring system) (100%).
38 Q: How many ‘experts’ should analyse the surgery videos? 2 experts should analyse the surgery videos (90%).
39 Q: Should video analysis and the logbook be the final evaluation step for ‘certification’? Video analysis and the logbook should be the final evaluation step for certification (90%).