Table 7.
Summary of Performance Range Chi-Square Statistics Using Ethnicity Specific Norms
Measure | X2 | Effect size (V) |
MMSE | 80.21*** | .114 |
BNT | 64.05*** | .103 |
DS | 7.50 | .036 |
TMT-A | 14.29** | .048 |
TMT-B | 63.68*** | .103 |
DSFT | 19.15** | .056 |
DSFL | 258.47*** | .206 |
DSBT | 4.73 | .323 |
DSBL | 39.32*** | .080 |
Animals | 0.13 | .005 |
Vegetables | 2.51 | .020 |
LM I | 3.37 | .024 |
LM II | 0.71 | .011 |
Note: MMSE = Mini Mental State Exam; BNT = Boston Naming Test; DS = Digit Symbol from WAIS-R; TMT-A = Trail Making Test A; TMT-B = Trail Making Test B; DSFT = Digit Span Forward from WMS-R Total Trials; DSFL = Digit Span Forward from WMS-R Length of Longest Span; DSBT= Digit Span Backwards from WMS-R Total Trials; DSBL= Digit Span Backwards from WMS-R Length of Longest Span; Animals = Animal Naming; Vegetables = Vegetable Naming; LM I = Logical Memory-I- Immediate from WMS-R; LM II = Logical Memory-II-Delayed from WMS-R
p < .05.
p < .01.
p < .001.