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. 2007 Oct 17;2007(4):CD000123. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000123.pub2

Cospite 1985.

Methods Study design: double blind, randomised, placebo‐controlled trial. 
 Method of randomisation: not stated. 
 Concealment of allocation: supplied by manufacturer. 
 Exclusions post randomisation: none. 
 Losses to follow up: none. 
 Intention to treat: not stated
Participants Country: Italy. 
 Setting: hospital outpatient department. 
 No: 30. 
 Age: (mean) 58, range 40 to 72 years. 
 Sex: males 20; females 10. 
 Inclusion criteria: multi‐sited atherosclerosis confirmed by Doppler. 
 Exclusion criteria: patients with severe liver disease, and severe endocrine dysfunction.
Interventions Treatment: one vial of sulodexide (300 LSU) twice daily i.m. for 10 days followed by 2 sulodexide capsules (150 LSU) twice daily for 80 days. 
 Control: identical placebo 
 Duration: 90 days.
Outcomes Total walking distance; subjective parameters (night pain intensity, cramps, tingling, burning, sense of coldness in lower limbs) confirmed using Doppler. 
 Subjective parameters were confirmed using Doppler.
Notes Biochemical and haematologcial outcomes measured pre, during, and post study. Active treatment associated with reduced tChol and VLDL and increased HDL.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment? Low risk A ‐ Adequate