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. 2019 Nov 1;21(Suppl 5):v1–v100. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noz150

Table 22.

One-, two-, five-, and ten-year relative survival ratesa,b with 95% confidence intervals for selected malignant brain and other central nervous system tumors by selected age-groups, U.S. Cancer Statistics – NPCR Registries, 2001–2015

Histology Age- group (years) Nc 1-Year 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year
% 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI
Pilocytic astrocytomad 0–19 9,749 98.8 98.6–99.0 98.3 98.0–98.6 96.9 96.5–97.3 95.7 95.2–96.2
20–44 2,684 97.1 96.4–97.7 95.5 94.5–96.2 92.3 91.1–93.3 89.5 88.0–90.9
45–54 498 94.6 92.1–96.3 88.8 85.4–91.4 80.4 76.0–84.1 77.5 72.1–82.1
55–64 301 91.1 87.0–94.0 85.0 80.0–88.9 74.0 67.5–79.4 73.6 65.2–80.3
65–74 164 82.1 74.8–87.4 76.5 68.3–82.9 68.3 58.2–76.5 63.4 51.9–72.9
75+ 88 83.0 71.3–90.2 76.2 62.8–85.4 67.0 50.8–78.9 67.0 50.8–78.9
Diffuse astrocytoma 0–19 3,128 93.0 92.0–93.9 87.3 86.0–88.5 82.8 81.3–84.1 79.9 78.3–81.4
20–44 7,551 94.0 93.4–94.5 87.9 87.1–88.6 73.1 72.0–74.2 55.0 53.5–56.5
45–54 3,366 78.8 77.4–80.2 64.4 62.7–66.0 46.3 44.4–48.1 35.1 33.0–37.2
55–64 3,104 61.0 59.2–62.7 42.1 40.3–43.9 26.1 24.4–27.9 18.4 16.6–20.4
65–74 2,442 43.6 41.5–45.6 26.5 24.7–28.4 15.5 13.9–17.3 10.3 8.5–12.2
75+ 1,952 22.0 20.1–24.0 12.7 11.1–14.3 7.7 6.3–9.4 5.3 3.5–7.7
Anaplastic astrocytoma 0–19 951 70.1 67.0–72.9 41.8 38.5–45.1 27.8 24.7–30.9 22.9 19.8–26.2
20–44 4,890 89.6 88.7–90.4 77.0 75.7–78.2 57.9 56.3–59.5 43.0 41.1–44.8
45–54 2,683 73.1 71.3–74.8 50.0 48.0–52.0 29.1 27.1–31.0 22.1 20.1–24.1
55–64 2,881 55.9 54.0–57.8 32.4 30.6–34.2 15.3 13.8–16.9 9.8 8.3–11.5
65–74 2,290 37.5 35.4–39.5 17.7 16.0–19.4 7.7 6.4–9.1 4.8 3.5–6.4
75+ 1,529 18.9 16.9–21.0 7.6 6.2–9.1 2.9 1.9–4.3 1.9 1.0–3.3
Unique astrocytoma variants 0–19 596 95.7 93.7–97.1 90.4 87.6–92.6 80.6 76.8–83.8 76.5 72.1–80.3
20–44 529 92.3 89.6–94.3 86.6 83.2–89.3 74.5 69.9–78.4 70.7 65.7–75.2
45–54 163 77.2 69.8–83.0 55.5 47.2–63.0 39.4 31.2–47.5 31.4 22.6–40.6
55–64 155 62.7 54.4–70.0 44.3 36.0–52.4 29.1 21.3–37.4 21.4 13.3–30.6
65–74 126 36.5 27.9–45.1 27.1 19.1–35.7 -- -- -- --
75+ 124 34.4 25.6–43.4 26.3 17.8–35.5 -- -- -- --
Glioblastoma 0–19 1,659 62.5 60.0–64.8 36.1 33.7–38.6 20.8 18.7–23.0 16.6 14.5–18.8
20–44 10,448 71.8 70.9–72.7 43.6 42.6–44.6 21.9 21.0–22.8 15.2 14.3–16.1
45–54 20,730 58.6 57.9–59.2 27.1 26.4–27.7 9.3 8.9–9.8 5.7 5.3–6.2
55–64 34,309 47.4 46.9–48.0 19.9 19.4–20.3 5.9 5.6–6.2 3.5 3.2–3.8
65–74 31,664 31.2 30.7–31.7 12.1 11.7–12.5 3.9 3.6–4.1 3.0 2.7–3.3
75+ 25,107 13.4 12.9–13.8 4.8 4.5–5.2 1.9 1.7–2.2 1.9 1.7–2.2
Oligodendroglioma 0–19 646 98.0 96.5–98.8 96.7 94.9–97.8 94.8 92.6–96.3 89.7 86.4–92.3
20–44 5,552 98.3 97.9–98.7 96.5 96.0–97.0 90.1 89.1–90.9 75.1 73.5–76.6
45–54 2,324 95.3 94.3–96.1 91.3 90.0–92.5 82.0 80.2–83.8 68.0 65.3–70.6
55–64 1,370 89.9 88.1–91.5 80.4 78.0–82.5 69.4 66.5–72.2 54.4 50.4–58.2
65–74 579 78.5 74.7–81.8 68.5 64.2–72.5 52.3 47.2–57.2 35.7 29.2–42.3
75+ 277 56.0 49.5–62.1 43.7 37.0–50.1 31.9 24.7–39.2 14.7 8.5–22.6
Anaplastic oligodendroglioma 0–19 115 85.1 77.1–90.5 65.8 56.1–73.8 49.5 39.5–58.7 39.7 29.8–49.4
20–44 1,855 95.4 94.3–96.3 88.9 87.3–90.3 75.8 73.5–77.8 61.6 58.7–64.4
45–54 1,140 91.2 89.3–92.8 80.4 77.9–82.8 66.6 63.4–69.7 50.0 45.9–53.9
55–64 937 79.9 77.0–82.4 62.0 58.6–65.2 45.0 41.3–48.6 34.7 30.3–39.0
65–74 456 63.9 59.1–68.3 47.1 42.0–52.0 30.3 25.2–35.5 21.1 15.5–27.3
75+ 215 43.4 36.3–50.3 26.8 20.5–33.5 17.4 11.4–24.5 13.1 6.0–23.0
Oligoastrocytic tumors 0–19 355 92.0 88.7–94.5 84.3 80.0–87.8 78.4 73.4–82.5 71.2 65.4–76.2
20–44 3,935 96.9 96.3–97.4 92.4 91.5–93.3 78.7 77.2–80.0 59.3 57.1–61.3
45–54 1,361 90.2 88.5–91.7 80.4 78.1–82.5 64.7 61.8–67.4 48.5 44.8–52.2
55–64 965 78.3 75.5–80.9 57.3 54.0–60.5 39.7 36.2–43.1 31.8 27.9–35.8
65–74 475 61.4 56.7–65.8 42.1 37.4–46.8 26.0 21.5–30.8 15.6 10.6–21.5
75+ 208 30.5 24.1–37.1 18.2 12.9–24.3 10.1 5.7–16.1 -- --
Ependymal tumors 0–19 2,734 95.2 94.3–96.0 89.8 88.5–90.9 78.9 77.1–80.5 69.9 67.7–72.0
20–44 3,231 97.1 96.4–97.6 95.2 94.3–95.9 91.9 90.7–92.9 88.7 87.2–90.1
45–54 1,835 95.8 94.7–96.7 93.5 92.2–94.7 89.5 87.7–91.0 86.1 83.6–88.3
55–64 1,353 92.5 90.8–93.8 90.4 88.5–92.0 87.3 84.8–89.3 84.5 80.9–87.5
65–74 785 88.6 85.9–90.9 82.7 79.3–85.5 77.9 73.6–81.6 69.0 61.9–75.0
75+ 337 77.8 72.3–82.4 76.7 70.4–81.8 72.8 63.7–80.0 61.5 47.2–73.0
Glioma malignant, NOS 0–19 6,852 82.5 81.5–83.4 72.4 71.3–73.5 69.3 68.2–70.5 68.0 66.8–69.2
20–44 3,344 90.0 88.9–91.0 83.4 82.0–84.6 73.2 71.5–74.8 64.0 61.8–66.1
45–54 1,621 77.1 74.9–79.1 66.2 63.8–68.6 55.9 53.2–58.6 48.0 44.8–51.1
55–64 1,522 62.3 59.7–64.7 50.5 47.9–53.1 37.6 34.8–40.4 29.1 25.9–32.4
65–74 1,464 41.9 39.3–44.5 31.4 28.9–33.9 23.1 20.6–25.7 18.7 15.6–22.0
75+ 2,560 19.1 17.5–20.7 14.6 13.1–16.1 10.2 8.6–11.8 7.9 5.9–10.1
Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors 0–19 282 91.7 87.7–94.4 84.3 79.3–88.2 78.3 72.7–82.9 76.8 70.9–81.6
20–44 598 95.1 93.0–96.6 90.2 87.4–92.4 82.6 78.8–85.7 74.3 69.4–78.6
45–54 419 94.8 92.0–96.6 89.5 85.8–92.2 83.3 78.6–87.0 79.4 73.1–84.3
55–64 391 90.0 86.3–92.7 81.6 77.0–85.4 72.3 66.5–77.2 64.4 56.6–71.2
65–74 245 89.3 84.0–92.9 86.2 80.1–90.6 79.4 70.9–85.6 66.1 54.0–75.8
75+ 165 75.1 66.6–81.7 68.1 58.5–76.0 56.6 44.3–67.3 34.8 18.0–52.2
Tumors of the pineal region 0–19 422 87.2 83.5–90.1 78.0 73.5–81.8 64.3 59.0–69.1 57.2 51.3–62.6
20–44 290 92.9 89.2–95.4 85.9 81.0–89.6 74.9 68.6–80.1 68.7 61.0–75.2
45–54 116 86.6 78.6–91.8 77.0 67.5–84.0 70.4 59.6–78.8 60.1 47.3–70.8
55–64 81 85.1 74.5–91.5 81.4 70.0–88.8 64.6 50.2–75.8 47.6 28.7–64.3
65–74 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
75+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Embryonal tumors 0–19 7,089 82.5 81.6–83.4 73.4 72.3–74.4 63.6 62.4–64.8 58.5 57.1–59.8
20–44 1,899 88.8 87.3–90.2 80.9 79.0–82.7 68.3 66.0–70.6 58.3 55.6–61.0
45–54 308 75.6 70.3–80.1 61.0 55.1–66.4 51.3 45.0–57.2 40.1 32.8–47.2
55–64 188 62.1 54.5–68.8 48.5 40.8–55.8 35.8 28.1–43.5 23.7 16.1–32.3
65–74 78 45.3 33.6–56.2 23.1 13.9–33.7 -- -- -- --
75+ 64 28.9 17.9–40.9 -- -- -- -- -- --
Nerve sheath tumors 0–19 58 89.4 77.9–95.1 81.9 68.9–89.9 80.0 66.6–88.4 77.3 62.9–86.7
20–44 180 84.3 78.0–88.9 78.4 71.5–83.9 73.6 66.1–79.6 70.7 62.7–77.3
45–54 139 90.1 83.5–94.1 85.0 77.5–90.2 82.1 74.1–87.9 81.2 71.4–88.0
55–64 105 84.1 75.2–90.0 78.6 68.8–85.6 75.1 64.2–83.1 73.1 59.5–82.7
65–74 86 94.6 84.7–98.2 91.2 79.5–96.3 85.7 69.1–93.7 83.8 63.2–93.5
75+ 57 73.1 57.5–83.7 65.2 48.2–77.7 58.6 39.4–73.6 58.6 39.4–73.6
Meningioma 0–19 89 91.8 83.5–96.0 84.0 74.0–90.5 79.7 68.8–87.1 78.0 66.6–85.9
20–44 600 94.0 91.7–95.7 91.7 89.0–93.7 84.0 80.5–86.9 76.8 72.5–80.6
45–54 747 91.7 89.3–93.5 86.1 83.2–88.5 79.4 75.9–82.4 74.9 70.7–78.5
55–64 991 89.7 87.5–91.5 84.2 81.6–86.5 73.8 70.4–76.8 65.3 61.0–69.3
65–74 1,036 84.5 82.0–86.8 77.7 74.7–80.4 63.3 59.4–66.9 57.9 53.0–62.4
75+ 1,229 69.5 66.5–72.3 61.3 57.9–64.6 50.2 45.9–54.4 39.5 32.8–46.0
Mesenchymal tumors 0–19 169 82.4 75.6–87.4 71.2 63.5–77.6 61.2 52.8–68.6 54.1 44.9–62.5
20–44 301 88.0 83.7–91.3 84.0 79.2–87.9 74.5 68.6–79.5 61.1 53.6–67.9
45–54 179 90.7 85.1–94.2 83.7 77.1–88.6 75.5 67.4–81.8 63.6 53.6–72.0
55–64 154 85.3 78.4–90.2 77.2 69.1–83.4 58.5 48.3–67.4 47.7 35.0–59.4
65–74 97 82.0 71.9–88.7 76.2 64.9–84.2 49.7 35.8–62.1 24.5 8.6–44.6
75+ 63 58.8 44.6–70.6 49.5 34.8–62.6 30.4 16.5–45.4 -- --
Other neoplasms related
to the meninges
0–19 62 95.0 85.3–98.4 89.7 78.5–95.3 85.5 72.8–92.6 77.9 62.9–87.4
20–44 224 96.0 92.3–98.0 91.7 86.9–94.8 86.5 80.5–90.8 76.7 68.0–83.2
45–54 125 95.3 89.2–98.0 93.9 87.0–97.2 87.7 78.5–93.1 76.8 63.9–85.5
55–64 116 90.3 82.8–94.7 84.6 75.8–90.4 67.0 55.9–76.0 41.5 27.8–54.7
65–74 103 95.0 86.2–98.2 90.4 80.1–95.5 84.4 70.5–92.1 58.5 40.0–73.2
75+ 74 85.0 71.5–92.4 79.1 63.2–88.7 61.3 41.3–76.3 48.4 28.8–65.5
Lymphoma 0–19 164 86.1 79.7–90.7 80.6 73.4–86.1 76.0 68.2–82.2 72.1 63.6–79.0
20–44 2,413 57.1 55.1–59.1 52.6 50.5–54.6 45.9 43.8–48.0 41.0 38.7–43.2
45–54 2,488 64.6 62.6–66.5 56.8 54.7–58.8 46.3 44.1–48.4 35.8 33.4–38.2
55–64 3,688 63.4 61.8–65.0 54.7 53.0–56.4 42.1 40.3–44.0 30.6 28.4–32.8
65–74 4,348 52.6 51.1–54.2 43.1 41.5–44.7 30.1 28.5–31.8 21.5 19.5–23.6
75+ 3,654 32.4 30.8–34.0 23.9 22.4–25.5 15.8 14.3–17.5 11.3 9.1–13.7
Other hematopoietic neoplasms 0–19 92 92.0 83.9–96.1 92.0 83.9–96.1 90.2 81.0–95.1 90.2 81.0–95.1
20–44 89 88.7 79.8–93.8 81.5 71.3–88.3 74.4 62.3–83.2 72.4 59.6–81.7
45–54 65 86.3 74.9–92.8 75.3 62.4–84.3 67.2 53.2–77.9 60.5 44.1–73.5
55–64 74 85.3 74.3–91.9 72.3 59.5–81.6 62.1 48.1–73.4 62.1 48.1–73.4
65–74 63 64.5 50.9–75.2 54.0 40.2–65.9 40.9 26.9–54.5 36.5 22.4–50.8
75+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Tumors of the pituitary 0–19 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20–44 134 95.6 90.2–98.0 94.2 88.2–97.2 89.1 81.5–93.7 88.3 80.0–93.3
45–54 86 89.6 80.4–94.6 88.7 79.1–94.0 78.6 66.2–86.9 73.1 58.8–83.2
55–64 82 86.9 76.7–92.8 83.4 72.2–90.4 79.8 66.6–88.2 79.8 66.6–88.2
65–74 72 88.9 77.6–94.7 88.9 77.6–94.7 78.8 63.2–88.4 68.7 41.4–85.2
75+ 52 82.3 65.6–91.5 79.5 59.6–90.3 68.9 42.6–85.0 52.9 27.4–73.0
Neoplasm, unspecified 0–19 435 66.6 61.9–70.9 61.8 56.9–66.2 58.5 53.5–63.1 55.8 50.5–60.8
20–44 955 71.9 68.9–74.7 66.9 63.7–69.8 59.4 56.0–62.6 55.1 51.4–58.6
45–54 809 59.3 55.8–62.7 51.8 48.2–55.3 44.2 40.5–47.8 39.0 35.0–42.9
55–64 1,188 42.2 39.3–45.0 34.1 31.3–36.9 27.5 24.8–30.3 24.4 21.4–27.4
65–74 1,567 27.8 25.6–30.1 22.4 20.3–24.6 16.4 14.4–18.6 15.0 12.8–17.3
75+ 5,084 14.6 13.6–15.7 10.8 9.9–11.8 7.3 6.3–8.3 5.7 4.6–6.9
TOTAL e 0–19 37,967 88.5 88.1–88.8 81.3 80.9–81.8 75.5 75.1–76.0 72.2 71.7–72.7
20–44 52,662 87.6 87.3–87.9 77.8 77.4–78.1 65.1 64.6–65.5 54.2 53.6–54.7
45–54 41,351 70.1 69.7–70.5 49.2 48.7–49.8 34.5 34.0–35.0 27.9 27.4–28.5
55–64 54,095 55.3 54.8–55.7 33.1 32.7–33.5 19.8 19.4–20.1 15.3 14.9–15.8
65–74 48,251 38.6 38.1–39.0 22.1 21.7–22.5 13.1 12.7–13.5 10.4 9.9–10.8
75+ 42,949 19.6 19.2–20.0 11.8 11.5–12.2 7.7 7.3–8.0 6.4 6.0–6.9

a. The cohort analysis of survival rates was utilized for calculating the survival estimates presented in this table. Long-term cohort-based survival estimates reflect the survival experience of individuals diagnosed over the time period, and they may not necessarily reflect the long-term survival outlook of newly diagnosed cases.

b. Rates are an estimate of the percentage of patients alive at one, two, five, and ten years, respectively.

c. Total number of case that occurred within the NPCR registries between 2001 and 2015.

d. While pilocytic astrocytoma is coded as a tumor of uncertain behavior (/2), the cancer registry community historically codes this histology as a malignant tumor and as a result they are included in this table.

e. Total includes histologies not listed in this table.

- Rates were not presented for categories with 50 or fewer cases and were suppressed for rates where fewer than 16 cases were surviving within a category.

Abbreviations: CBTRUS, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States; NPCR, National Program of Cancer Registries; CI, Confidence Interval; NOS, Not otherwise specified