Effects of salt treatment on transgenic roots of composite soybean plants. Composite soybean plants were generated by infection with A. rhizogenes strain K599 carrying empty vector (EV), overexpression constructs of GmMYB183 (OE-WT), GmMYB183S61D (OE-S61D), GmMYB183S61A (OE-S61A) and RNAi-mediated knockdown construct of GmMYB183 (KD). Transgenic roots were confirmed by DsRed fluorescence as described in the materials and methods section. One-week old composite plants were treated in 1/4 fold Fahräeus medium without (control) or with 200 mM NaCl [NaCl (+)] for 4 weeks. A, Plants are typical representatives of three repeats of salt treatments. B, Fresh weights of transgenic roots: data expressed are means ± s.d. of root samples from three plants and the experiments are repeated three times with similar results; an asterisk indicates a significant difference from the control (EV) based on p ≤ 0.05 of student's t test;double asterisks indicates a significant difference from the control (EV) based on p ≤ 0.01 of student's t test.