Figure 6.
Loss of Yap1 results in decreased RSPO2‐driven tumor formation. (A) Experimental diagram. (B) IHC showing in vivo knockdown of Yap1 in the mouse liver. Scale bars, 100 μm. (C) Quantification of (B). Bar represents the mean of each cohort. (D) Tumor penetrance in Fah‐null mice injected with GFP/shYap1 (10 animals), RSPO2/shp53/shYap1 (9 animals), or RSPO2/shp53 (19 animals) at 150 days PHI (P < 0.05). Bars represent percent of animals that show tumor formation. (E) Two nodules were found in the RSPO2/shp53/shYap1. Only one animal showed tumor penetrance. Abbreviation: Luc, luciferase.