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. 2019 Mar 12;36(4):817–827. doi: 10.1007/s12325-019-00912-x

Table 1.

Population/intervention/comparator/outcome/study design and search criteria for the SLR

Criteria Inclusion
Study design Randomized controlled trials above phase I (including crossover studies up to time of crossover)

Adult patients (aged ≥ 18 years) with moderately-to-severely active RA who have had inadequate response to ≥ 1 csDMARDs

Adult patients (aged ≥ 18 years) with moderately-to-severely active RA who have had inadequate response to ≥ 1 TNFα-inhibitors

Treatment/intervention Interventions of interest (at any dosage or administration type)a:

Sarilumab (REGN88, SAR153191)

Adalimumab (Humira)

Certolizumab (Cimzia)

Etanercept (Enbrel)

Golimumab (Simponi)

Infliximab (Remicade)

Abatacept (Orencia)

Rituximab (MabThera/Rituxan)

Tocilizumab (RoActemra/Actemra)

Tofacitinib (Xeljanz)

SB4 (Samsung Bioepis)

GP2015 (Sandoz)

ABP501 (Amgen)

BI695501 (Boehringer)

SB5 (Samsung Bioepis)

Remsima (CT-P13)

SB2 (Samsung Bioepis)

Inflectra (CT-P13)

Flixabi (Biogen)

Rituxan (GP2013)

Baricitinib (LY3009104, INCB028050)

Comparator Placebo or any of the above listed treatments as monotherapy
Outcomes Efficacy, safety and patient reported outcomes at 24 weeks (± 4 weeks) and 52 weeks (± 8 weeks)
Time No limit
Language English language

cs Conventional synthetic, DMARD disease-modifying antirheumatic drug, RA rheumatoid arthritis, TNF tumor necrosis factor

aOnly interventions with global regulatory approval were included