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. 2018 Sep 4;28(5):582–594. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054419

Table 6.

Product use and ratio of levels of exposure to HPHC in HnB users compared with cigarette smokers on the fifth day of confinement

Lüdicke et al 47 2016 Lüdicke et al 46 2017 Haziza et al 44 2016 Haziza et al 45 2016 Lüdicke et al 48 49 2018
HnB product CHTP THS 2.1 Regular IQOS Regular IQOS Menthol IQOS
Reference product Regular cigarette Regular cigarette Regular cigarette Regular cigarette Menthol cigarette
Mean (SD)
HnB vs cigarettes use on day 5
19.7 (7.8) vs 18.8 (4.4) 27.2 (9.1) vs 20.1 (3.2) 9.9 (3.9) vs 12.5 (3.5) 20.7 (8.1) vs 16.6 (3.8) 13.9 (4.3) vs 13.6 (4.7)
Exposure to HPHC
% (95% CI)
HnB:cigarettes ratio
 1,3-Butadiene 10% 12% (9% to 16%) 23% (18% to 29%) 8% (7% to 10%) 13%
 1-Aminonaphthalene 4% (4% to 5%) 4% (3% to 5%) 6%
 2-Aminonaphthalene 19% 11% (8% to 14%) 18% (15% to 21%) 12% (10% to 13%) 14%
 4-Aminobiphenyl 16% 41% (31% to *53%) 18% (15% to 22%) 15% (13% to 17%) 21%
 Acrolein 26% 28% (23% to 33%) 53% (46% to 61%) 42% (38% to 46%) 52%
 Acrylonitrile 15% (12% to 18%) 21% (18% to 25%) 13% (12% to 15%) 18%
 Benzene 16% 7% (5% to 10%) 16% (13% to 19%) 6% (5% to 7%) 11%
 Benzo[a]pyrene 30% (25% to 36%) 28% (23% to 33%) 28%
 Carbon monoxide 39% 23% (21% to 26%) 47% (44% to 50%) 24% (22% to 25%) 45%
 Crotonaldehyde 38% (32% to 45%) 23% (20% to 25%) 43%
 N-nitrosonornicotine 12% (9% to 16%) 30% (24% to 38%) 24% (18% to 33%) 29%
 Nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone 52% 33% (25% to 44%) 49% (42% to 57%) 44% (39% to 48%) 44%
 Nicotine 85% (62% to 115%) 113% (91% to 140%)‡/89.6%§ 113% (91% to 140%)
 Nicotine equivalents 111% 87% (76% to 100%) 105% (92% to 120%)‡/98.6%§ 105% (92% to 120%) 118%
 Cotinine 110% 88% (75% to 103%) 96% (71% to 131%) 111% (91% to 136%)
 Ethylene oxide 47% (40% to 55%) 32% (27% to 38%) 51%
 Pyrene 57% 43% (36% to 51%) 46% (41% to 52%) 44% (40% to 49%) 38%
 o-Toluidine 49% 58% (48% to 71%) 51% (42% to 60%) 42% (36% to 48%) 41%

*Exposure to acetaldehyde, ammonia, formaldehyde, isoprene and toluene was not measured due to absence of valid biomarkers.

†Originally reported proportions.

‡Proportions calculated based on raw study figures.

HnB,   heat-not-burn tobacco product;   HPHC,     harmful and potentially harmful compounds; –, not measured; PMI ,   Philip Morris International.