Table 3.
Original OIC construct definitions, existing domains, and added domains
Original OIC construct | Definition | Existing domains | New domains |
Strategic implementation leadership | Strategic implementation leadership is a subcomponent of general leadership that involves specific behaviors that support or inhibit implementation in service organizations. These include leaders being knowledgeable and able to articulate the importance of implementation and being supportive of staff, proactive in problem solving, and perseverant in the implementation process | Proactive leadership Supportive leadership Knowledgeable leadership Perseverant leadership Available leadership |
Distributed leadership |
Strategic implementation climate | Strategic implementation climate encompasses employee perceptions of the organizational supports and practices that help to define norms and expectations with regard to the implementation of new EBP. A positive implementation climate signals what is expected, supported, and rewarded in relation to use of programs or practices | Focus on EBP Educational support for EBP Recognition for EBP Rewards for EBP Selection for EBP Selection for openness |
Existing supports to deliver EBP Prioritization of EBP |
Implementation citizenship behavior | Citizenship behaviors are exhibited when employees go “above and beyond” their core job aspects or standard “call of duty” to further the mission of the organization. Implementation citizenship behaviors are those that demonstrate a commitment to EBP by keeping informed about the EBP being implemented and supporting colleagues to meet EBP standards | Helping others Keeping informed |
Information sharing Observation/feedback |