Table 35.
2018 Fatalities reported in ToxIC Registry with known toxicological exposurea: Single Agent
Age/genderb | Agents involved | Clinical findingsc | Life support withdrawn | Brain death confirmed | Treatmentd |
20M | Abrus precatorious | TC, CNS, SZ, GIB, WBC, RFX, OTH1 | Yes | No | None listed |
41F | Acetaminophen | CNS, MA, HPT | Yes | Unknown | NAC, IV fluids |
5mF | Acetaminophen | None listed | No | No | None listed |
21F | Acetaminophen | CNS, HGY, MA, AG, HPT, GIB, AKI | Yes | No | Folate, NAC, thiamine, vitamin K, benzodiazepines, IV fluids |
59M | Acetaminophen | HT, TC, ALI, CNS, HGY, MA, HPT, CPT, AKI, RBM | No | No | NAC, vasopressors, hemodialysis, continuous renal replacement, intubation, IV fluids |
57F | Acetaminophen | CNS, DLM, HGY, MA, AG, HPT, WBC | Yes | Unknown | NAC, glucose > 5%, intubation |
37M | Acetaminophen | HT, CNS, HGY, MA, AG, HPT, PNC, CPT, PLT, AKI | Yes | No | Fomepizole, NAC, vasopressors, glucose > 5%, opioids, intubation IV fluids |
54F | Acetaminophen | HT, QTC, RD, CNS, MA, AG, HPT, AKI | Yes | No | NAC, physostigmine, vasopressors, intubation, IV fluids |
42F | Acetaminophen | HT, CNS, HGY, MA, AG, HPT, AKI, OTH2 | Yes | No | Factor replacement, NAC, vitamin K, vasopressors, glucose > 5%, activated charcoal |
32F | Acetaminophen | HT, HTN, BP, VD, AGT, CNS, MA, AG, HPT, CPT | No | No | NAC, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, antipsychotics, steroids, activated charcoal, hemodialysis, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion |
61M | Alprazolam | HT, TC, QTC, MI, RD, CNS, MA, AKI | Unknown | Unknown | None listed |
50M | Aspirin | ALI, AG | Yes | Unknown | NaHCO3, urinary alkalinization, IV fluids |
16M | Canabinoid nonsynthetic | HT, BC, BP, RAD, CNS, MA, WBC | Yes | Yes | Naloxone/nalmefene, albuterol, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, steroids, CPR, intubation, IV fluids |
44M | Carbamazepine | CNS | Yes | Yes | None listed |
35F | Carbon monoxide | None listed | No | No | None listed |
23M | Carbon monoxide | CNS | No | No | HBO |
23F | Carbon monoxide | HT, TC, ALI, CNS, MA, AG | Yes | Yes | Hydroxocobalamin, NaHCO3, thiosulfate, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, neuromuscular blockers, steroids |
9M | Carbon monoxide | HT, ALI, RD, CNS, MA, AG, | No | No | Hydroxocobalamin, thiosulfate, vasopressors, CPR, intubation, IV fluids |
66F | Carbon monoxide | HT, BC, ALI, RD, CNS, | No | No | None listed |
10M | Carbon monoxide | HT, RD, CNS, AG | Yes | Yes | Intubation, IV fluids |
56F | Clonidine | BC, CNS | Yes | Yes | Vasopressors, intubation, IV fluids |
46M | Cocaine | SZ, VD | Yes | Yes | None listed |
18 mM | Dextroamphetamine | TC, AGT | No | No | Benzodiazepines, IV fluids |
48F | Diltiazem | HT, BC, ALI, MA, AG | No | No | Calcium, HIE, NaHCO3, vasopressors, benzodiazepines, glucose > 5%, neuromuscular blockers, activated charcoal, continuous renal replacement therapy, ECMO, intubation, IV fluids |
31M | Diltiazem | HT, BC, AVB, ALI, AP, HPT, CPT, BL | Yes | Unknown | Calcium, HIE, vasopressors, CPR, ECMO, intubation, IV fluids |
13F | Diphenhydramine | HT, TC, QRS, RD, CNS, SZ | Yes | Yes | NaHCO3, vasopressors, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockers, CPR, intubation, IV fluids |
59F | Ethanol | HT, CNS, MA, AG, GIB, CPT, PLT, WBC | No | Unknown | Fomepizole, octreotide, NaHCO3, thiamine, vitamin K, vasopressors, CPR, intubation, IV fluids, transfusion |
29F | Ethylene glycol | AG, AKI | Yes | No | Fomepizole, hemodialysis |
34F | Fentanyl | HT, RD, CNS, AKI | Yes | Yes | Naloxone, vasopressors, intubation, IV fluids |
35M | Fentanyl | HT, BC, BP, VD, MI, RD, CNS, SZ, MA, AG, HYS | Yes | Yes | NAC, naloxone, NaHCO3, vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, neuromuscular blockade, opioids, CPR, intubation, IV fluids |
77F | Flecainide | HT, BC, VD, QRS, QTC, AVB, MI, ALI, AP, CNS, MA, HPT, AKI | Yes | No | HIE, NaHCO3, vasopressors, continuous renal replacement therapy, CPR, intubation |
38M | Heroin | CNS | No | No | Naloxone |
26F | Heroin | HT, QTC, RD, CNS | Yes | Yes | Naloxone, CPR, intbuation |
45F | Insulin | TC, QTC, RD, CNS | Yes | Unknown | Naloxone, glucose > 5%, intubation, IV fluids |
38F | Lidocaine | HT, BC, AGT | No | No | HIE, vasopressors, CPR, IV fluids |
57M | Metaxalone | HT, QTC, RD, CNS, MA | No | No | Vasopressors, continuous renal replacement therapy, intubation |
48M | Methadone | CNS | Yes | Yes | Naloxone, vasopressors, intubation, IV fluids |
48F | Methadone | HT, CNS | Yes | Yes | Vasopressors, antiarrhythmics, intubation, IV fluids |
86 M | Methotrexate | HYT, GIB, HYS, CPT, PLT, PCT | Yes | No | None listed |
29F | Oxycodone | HT, ALI, CNS, MA, AKI, RBM | No | No | Naloxone, vasopressors, intubation |
43M | Phentolamine | HT, TC, CNS, AKI | Yes | No | Vasopressors, intubation, |
19F | Propranolol | HTN, TC, BC, VD, AVB, ALI, RD, CNS, SZ, MA | No | No | Calcium, glucagon, HIE, NaHCO3, vasopressors, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, glucose > 5%, CPR, intubation, IV fluids |
45M | Quinine | VD, CNS, AKI, RBM | Yes | Yes | Naloxone, intubation |
19M | Sodium hypochlorite <6% | HT, CRV | No | No | None listed |
10M | Unknown agent | HT, RD, CNS | Unknown | Unknown | Naloxone prevention kit, vasopressors, CPR, intubation |
87F | Verapamil | HT, BC, QTC, AVB, ALI, AKI | Yes | Unknown | HIE, vasopressors, glucose > 5%, IV fluids |
40M | Water | RD, CNS, SZ | Yes | Yes | Folate, thiamine, anticonvulsants, benzodiazepines, intubation, mannitol |
62M | None listed | AG, HPT, PNC | No | No | NAC, vasopressors, continuous renal replacement therapy, intubation, IV fluids |
70M | None listed | None listed | Unknown | Unknown | None listed |
aBased on response from Medical Toxicologist “Did the patient have a toxicological exposure?” equals Yes with known agent(s)
bAge in years unless otherwise stated. wk: weeks, m: months
cAG: anion gap, AGT: agitation, AKI: Acute kidney injury, ALI: acute lung injury/ARDS, AP: aspiration pneumonia, AVB: AV block, BC: bradycardia, BL: blisters/bullae, BP: bradypnea, CNS: coma/CNS depression, CPT: coagulopathy, CRV: corrosive injury, DLM: delirium, GIB: GI bleeding, HGY: hypoglycemia, HPT: hepatoxicity, HT: hypotension, HTN: hypertension, HYS: hemolysis, HYT: hyperthermia, MA: metabolic acidosis, MI: myocardial injury/ischemia, OTH1: choreoathetoid movement, OTH2: hypothermia, PCT: pancytopenia, PLT: thrombocytopenia, PNC: pancreatitis, QTC: QTc prolongation, RAD: asthma/reactive airway disease, RBM: rhabdomyolysis, RD: respiratory depression, RFX: hyperreflexia/tremor, SZ: seizures, TC: tachycardia, VD: ventricular dysrhythmia, WBC: leukocytosis
dPharmcological and non-pharmacological support as reported by Medical Toxicologist; BAL: Dimercaprol, CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECMO: Extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, HBO: hyperbaric oxygenation, HIE: high dose insulin euglycemic therapy, NAC: n-Acetyl cysteine, NaHCO3: Sodium bicarbonate