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. 2019 Oct 21;116(44):22081–22087. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1907828116

Table 1.

Overview of securely dated chemically and spectrometrically identified MP hafting adhesives currently known from Europe, the Levant, and contemporary southern African adhesives

Country Site Material Adhesive identification Date Dating method Reference(s)
Italy Campitello Quarry 2 flint flakes with birch tar GC/MS >191 ka Biochronostratigraphic based on micromammals (14)
Syria Umm El Tlel 11 flint Levallois products with bitumen GC/MS ∼71 ka Thermoluminescence of associated heated flints (18, 19)
Syria Hummal 1 Mousterian point, 1 (atypical) Levallois flake, and 1 broken Levallois point with bitumen Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, confocal Raman microscopy, GC/MS 50 to 80 ka Associated with Tabun B-type Mousterian assemblage (17, 20)
Germany Königsaue 2 lumps of birch tar GC/MS >43 and >48 ka AMS on tar (15, 21)
The Netherlands Zandmotor 1 flint flake partially covered in birch tar Thermally assisted hydrolysis-pyrolysis-GC/MS ∼50 ka AMS on tar This study
Italy Fossellone Cave 2 flint scrapers and 1 quartzite flake with pine resin, 1 flint scraper with pine resin and beeswax GC/MS 55 to 40 ka Maximum and minimum ages provided by luminescence and 14C-dating of layers 21 and 26 (adhesives derive from layer 23α) (5)
Italy Sant’Agostino Cave 5 flint scrapers, 1 Levallois flake with pine resin GC/MS ∼43 ka Layer A1 dated by electron spin resonance (5)
South Africa Diepkloof Rock Shelter 1 Late Howiesons Poort quartz flake with Podocarpus resin GC/MS ∼60 to 55 ka Level SU George dated by thermoluminescence and OSL (22)
South Africa Border Cave 2 chalcedony bladelet fragments, 1 scaled chalcedony piece with Podocarpus tar GC/MS ∼43 ka; ∼40 ka Layer 1BS Lower B + C charcoal dated by AMS; level 1BS LR pitch on microlith dated by AMS (23)
South Africa Sibudu 2 Howiesons Poort segments with Podocarpus resin GC/MS ∼65 to 62 ka Layers GR and PGS dated by OSL (24)