Embryos from matings with transgenic D. melanogaster males expressing the cinA–cinBwPip operon show CI-like cytology similar to wNo-infected D. simulans. (A–E) Representative images of propidium iodide-stained embryos from incompatible crosses between wNo-infected males and uninfected females showing (A) an unfertilized embryo, (B) a normal embryo after 1 h of development, (C) a normal embryo after 2 h of development, (D) an embryo with early mitotic failure, and (E) an embryo showing anaphase chromatin bridging. (F) Quantification of embryo cytology. wNo (−) and wNo (+) represent D. simulans-uninfected or infected by wNo, respectively. wNo infection was confirmed by PCR amplification of the cinBwNo gene (SI Appendix, Fig. S6). For the transgenic D. melanogaster crosses (Bottom), only the cinA-T2A-cinB crosses under the MTD-Gal4 driver (highlighted in red; the NGT-Gal4 driver is highlighted in orange) strongly phenocopied the natural CI cytology. The number of embryos examined in each cross is shown. Embryos exhibiting normal cytology after 1 to 2 h were grouped together and are shown in teal. ****P < 0.0001 by χ2 test comparing normal (B and C) and abnormal (A, D, and E) cytological phenotypes.