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. 2019;20(3):825–830. doi: 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.3.825

Table 1.

Distribution of Selected Characteristics among NSCLC Patients and Healthy Controls

Variables NSCLC patients n (%) Healthy controls n (%)
Total no. 100 (100%) 100 (100%)
 Males 71 (71%) 71 (71%)
 Females 29 (29%) 29 (29%)
Age at diagnosis (Years)
 < 55 56 (56%) 56 (56%)
 > 55 44 (44%) 44 (44%)
Mean + SD age (years) 54.37+10.77 (range 32-75years) 54.25+10.82 (range 30-70 years)
Smoking status
 Non smoker 55 (55%)
 Smoker smokers 45 (45%)
 Current smokers 24 (24%)
 Ex- smokers 21 (21%)
Smoking type
 Cig 18 (40%)
 Bidi 16 (35.6%)
 Hukka 11 (24.4%)
Smoking level (pack year)
 Mild (< 10) 23 (51.1%)
 Moderate (< 40) 18 (40%)
 Heavy (> 40) 4 (8.9%)
TNM Stage
 Early (I&II) 30 (30%)
 Advanced (III&IV) 70 (70%)
Distant Metastases
 Positive 44 (44%)
 Negative 56 (56%)
Histopathological Grade
 Grade 1 24 (24%)
 Grade 2 41 (41%)
 Grade 3 35 (35%)
Pleural effusion
 Yes 15 (15%)
 No 85 (85%)