Dysregulated type 2 gene expression in Nlrp3−/− mice following N. brasiliensis infection. Whole lung RNA from WT and Nlrp3−/− mice on day 7 postinfection with N. brasiliensis (Nb) was analyzed by NanoString. (A) Volcano plot showing differentially expressed genes between N. brasiliensis–infected WT and Nlrp3−/− mice. (B) Top 20 differentially regulated genes between N. brasiliensis–infected WT and Nlrp3−/− mice (bar color indicates statistical significance). (C) Unsupervised, hierarchically clustered heatmap of genes differentially expressed 7 d after N. brasiliensis infection in WT and Nlrp3−/− mice. (D) PCA of naive and N. brasiliensis–infected WT and Nlrp3−/− mice. (E) Candidate differentially expressed genes validated by qRT-PCR (log2 expression relative to Rpl13a). Data were from a single Nanostring run (A–D; n = 2–4 mice per group) or pooled (E; mean ± SEM) from three individual experiments with three to five mice per group (per experiment). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA and Tukey–Kramer post hoc test. Dim, dimension.