Unlike wild‐type FICD, monomeric FICD
L258D binds ATP and ATP analogues in an AMPylation‐competent conformation. The indicated structures and distances are shown as in Fig
5C, with ATP interacting residues shown as sticks and annotated. The position of the α‐phosphate relative to Val316 in the FICD:ATP structure (see distances in right‐hand side panel) would preclude in‐line nucleophilic attack (see D, E). The inset is a blow‐up displaying distances (i–iv) between the γ‐phosphates and Glu234 residues. A potentially significant difference in the Glu234 position between the FICD
L258D:MgAMPPNP and FICD:ATP structures is apparent: hypothetical distance (ii) (2.68 Å, between Glu234 of FICD:ATP and AMPPNP γ‐phosphate of FICD
L258D) is less favourable than the observed distance (iii) (2.94 Å, between the AMPPNP γ‐phosphate and Glu234 of FICD
L258D). Note, His363 of FICD:ATP is in a non‐optimal flip state to facilitate general base catalysis (see Fig