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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Protein J. 2019 Aug;38(4):389–408. doi: 10.1007/s10930-019-09862-3

Table 1.

Properties of Dedicated Protein Translocation Systems in Bacteria.

System Distribution Translocated substrates Translocation requirements Machine properties
Types Destination(s) Function Secretion signal(s) Additional requirements OM channel IM channel Requirements for biogenesis Energetics
Class I: Two-step translocation systems—assemble only at the OM and translocate substrates from the periplasm across the OM
 Type 5 (Auto transporters) Gram-negative; mainly studied in Proteobacteia Monomric/trimeric passenger domains; two-partner systems Cell surface; extracellular milieu Adhesin; toxins; proteases; receptor-binding proteins N-termina Sec; Bam complex targeting signals Autoproteolytic release from cell surface for some substrates Hybrid anchor domain/BamA β-barrel channel GSP SurA/Skp/DegP chaperones, Bam complex Charge interaction; vectorial folding TamA/B complex for subset of T5SSs
 C-U pilus assembly Gram-negative; Enterobacteriaceae Type I/Pap pili CFA pili; CS pili; Afa/Dr fibers; F1 capsular antigen Cell surface Adhesion; Aggregation; Biofilms; IBCs; Activation of host cell pathways N-terminal Sec; signal; Chaperone-pilin binding to usher Donor strand complementation(DSC) for chaperone-pilin-contacts; Donor strand exchange(DSE) for pilin-pilin interactions Usher: 24-strandei β-barrel with substrate binding/& pilus assembly domains GSP Bam-dependent Insertion of usher into OM; Dedicated chaperone binds pilins Chaperone-pilin/usher binding affinities; Pilus subunit-subunit interaction affinities; entropy-based diffusion; evidence for a role of the TamA/B complex
 Type 8(Curii) Gram-negative; Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes Curli amyloid fibers Cell surface; extracellular milieu Adhesion biofilms; Host colonization; Innate response activation N-terminal Sec signal; Chaperone-pilin binding to CsgG translocon Charge-based chaperone-pilin and pilin-pilin interactions CsgG: 36-stranded β-barrel; CsgE gate CsgB/F curli nucleator GSP LOL sorting/Bam-independent insertion of OM translocon; dedicated chaperone binds pilins Peptide diffusion; entropy free-energy gradient
Class II: Two-step translocation systems—assemble across entire cell envelope but translocate substrates from the periplasm across the OM
 Type 2 Gram-negative; Proteobacteria Monomeric, multimeric proteins Cell surface via lipid or other attachment; Extracellular milieu Toxins; lipases, other lytic enzymes; biofilm matrix components N-terminal Sec or Tat; signal for binding to pseudopilus Substrate folding in the periplasm; Recruitment to pseudopilus tip for extrusion through OM secretin channel Secretin: 15 copies of GspD::GspS complexes GSP or Tat LOL-sorting & Bam-independent OM insertion; Secretin assembles first and stabilizes IM platform & GspE ATPase; Pseudopilus assembles for substrate extrusion GspE ATPase drives pseuodopilus assembly
 T4P Gram-negative & -positive; Archaea Dynamic type 4 pili; some T4Ps export exoproteins Cell surface Attachment; Bio-films; Twitching motility; Archaeal T4Ps can function as flagella N-termina Sec for insertion of pilin into IM; Signals for pilin extrusion from and reinsertion into IM T4P assembly on IM/CM platform; Pilus extension through G-negative secretin channel or G -positive cell wall T2SS GspD secretin GSP for insertion of pilins into IM IM platform and GspE/PilT ATPases for pilus assembly/retraction GspE/PilaT ATPases & PMF for Pilus extension/retraction; PilT-independent retraction in some systems
 Type 9 Gram-negative; Bacteriodetes Monomeric proteins, including very large (~670 kDa SprB) adhesins Cell surface; Extracellular milieu Adhesion; Polymer degradation; Biofilms; Gliding motility: SprB adhesin moves rapidly between cell poles along closed helical loop N-terminal Sec;Conserved CTDs for recruitment to T9SS in periplasm Cell surface anchoring to acidic LPS by 'sortase-like' mechanism SprA/sov: 36-strand β-barrel; PorV complex cleaves CTDs and attaches substrates to LPS GSP SprA/sov channel regulated by PorN,P,K,V; OM channel physically linked to IM-spanning PorM/L complex IM PMF; secretion coupled to gliding motility
Class III: One-step translocation systems—span Gram-negative cell envelope and translocate substrates without a periplasmic intermediate
 Type 1 Gram-negative Monomeric unfolded proteins Cell surface; Extracellular milieu Adhesin; Proteases; Lipases; Heme-binding C-terminal signal forbinding to MFP/ATPase complex Lap/Iba substrates are released by environmentally-induced, post-translocation cleavage TolC-like channel/tunnel ATPase/MFP complex Substrate and ATP-binding induced channel activation and recruitment of TolC ABC ATPase; Ca2+-mediated protein folding to prevent backsliding
 Type 3: Injectisomes and flagella Gram-negative; Gram-positive flagella Monomeric unfolded proteins Eukaryotic cell Flagellum assembly Effector translocation disrupts various eukaryotic cell pathways and physiological processes; Flagellar-based motility N-terminal peptide signal or 5′ RNA signal Ordered contacts with sorting platform; ATPase-mediated unfolding; Target-cell-contact mediated machine activation Secretion channel through which needle complex extrudes; L-/P-rings for Flagella assembly ATPase/sorting platform/Export apparatus IM complex and OM secretin complex form and join together as the needle complex (NC). NC is a scaffold for substrate sorting platform and injection needle InvC-Like ATPase for substrate unfolding; PMF for translocation
 Type 4 Gram-negative and -positive; Archaea Monomeric unfolded proteins; Multimeric A/B5 toxin, Single-stranded DNA-relaxase intermediates of MGEs Bacterial or eukaryotic cells; Extracellular milieu; Surface-displayed conjugative pili Conjugative DNA transfer; Effector translocation disrupts eukaryotic cell pathways and physiological processes; interbacterial toxin transmission; pilus-mediated adherence and biofilm development C-terminal charged or hydrophobic, or internal motifs; Two-step translocation for PT export by B. pertussis Ptl system Substrate docking & target-cell-contact mediated machine activation; Some systems elaborate conjugative pili α-Helical OM pore connected to barrel/disc-shaped OMC IMC:IM platform; VirB4, VirD4 ± VirB11 ATPases LOL-sorting/Bam-independent insertion of OMC into OM; OMC assembles & stabilizes IMC and VirB4; VirB11 and VirD4 dock stably or transiently with IMC ATPase- & substrate-induced conformational changes & PMF
 Type 6 Gram-negative Monomeric proteins; may be covalently bound to machine components Bacterial or eukaryotic cells Effectors modulate eukaryotic cell processes; anti-bacterial and anti-eukaryotic cell toxins Signals for effector docking with sheath, tube, or spike proteins; Covalent binding of effectors with these machine subunits Target-cell-contact mediated machine activation TssL/J/M membrane complex TssL/J/M membrane complex/Baseplate Sheath/tube assembly & contraction PMF for sheath/tube contraction; ClpV ATPase-mediated recycling of sheath components
Class IV: One-step translocation systems-span Gram-positive cytoplasmic membrane and translocate substrates to cell surface or beyond
 Type 7 Gram-positive Mycobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes Monomeric proteins; Homo- and hetero-dimers; WxG1OO & PPE/PE proteins Cell surface; Extracellular milieu Membrane permeabilization; Virulence; DNA conjugation; sliding motility; other? C-terminal signals mediate binding to EccC ATPase Homo- or hetero-dimer formation for some substrates Two-step mechanism postulated for translocation across mycobacterial mycolic membrane EccB/C/D/E membrane complex; VirD4- like EccC has 3 ATPase domains Machine assembly & translocation mechanism unknown EccC ATPase-mediated translocation