Table 1.
Properties of Dedicated Protein Translocation Systems in Bacteria.
System | Distribution | Translocated substrates | Translocation requirements | Machine properties | ||||||
Types | Destination(s) | Function | Secretion signal(s) | Additional requirements | OM channel | IM channel | Requirements for biogenesis | Energetics | ||
Class I: Two-step translocation systems—assemble only at the OM and translocate substrates from the periplasm across the OM | ||||||||||
Type 5 (Auto transporters) | Gram-negative; mainly studied in Proteobacteia | Monomric/trimeric passenger domains; two-partner systems | Cell surface; extracellular milieu | Adhesin; toxins; proteases; receptor-binding proteins | N-termina Sec; Bam complex targeting signals | Autoproteolytic release from cell surface for some substrates | Hybrid anchor domain/BamA β-barrel channel | GSP | SurA/Skp/DegP chaperones, Bam complex | Charge interaction; vectorial folding TamA/B complex for subset of T5SSs |
C-U pilus assembly | Gram-negative; Enterobacteriaceae | Type I/Pap pili CFA pili; CS pili; Afa/Dr fibers; F1 capsular antigen | Cell surface | Adhesion; Aggregation; Biofilms; IBCs; Activation of host cell pathways | N-terminal Sec; signal; Chaperone-pilin binding to usher | Donor strand complementation(DSC) for chaperone-pilin-contacts; Donor strand exchange(DSE) for pilin-pilin interactions | Usher: 24-strandei β-barrel with substrate binding/& pilus assembly domains | GSP | Bam-dependent Insertion of usher into OM; Dedicated chaperone binds pilins | Chaperone-pilin/usher binding affinities; Pilus subunit-subunit interaction affinities; entropy-based diffusion; evidence for a role of the TamA/B complex |
Type 8(Curii) | Gram-negative; Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes | Curli amyloid fibers | Cell surface; extracellular milieu | Adhesion biofilms; Host colonization; Innate response activation | N-terminal Sec signal; Chaperone-pilin binding to CsgG translocon | Charge-based chaperone-pilin and pilin-pilin interactions | CsgG: 36-stranded β-barrel; CsgE gate CsgB/F curli nucleator | GSP | LOL sorting/Bam-independent insertion of OM translocon; dedicated chaperone binds pilins | Peptide diffusion; entropy free-energy gradient |
Class II: Two-step translocation systems—assemble across entire cell envelope but translocate substrates from the periplasm across the OM | ||||||||||
Type 2 | Gram-negative; Proteobacteria | Monomeric, multimeric proteins | Cell surface via lipid or other attachment; Extracellular milieu | Toxins; lipases, other lytic enzymes; biofilm matrix components | N-terminal Sec or Tat; signal for binding to pseudopilus | Substrate folding in the periplasm; Recruitment to pseudopilus tip for extrusion through OM secretin channel | Secretin: 15 copies of GspD::GspS complexes | GSP or Tat | LOL-sorting & Bam-independent OM insertion; Secretin assembles first and stabilizes IM platform & GspE ATPase; Pseudopilus assembles for substrate extrusion | GspE ATPase drives pseuodopilus assembly |
T4P | Gram-negative & -positive; Archaea | Dynamic type 4 pili; some T4Ps export exoproteins | Cell surface | Attachment; Bio-films; Twitching motility; Archaeal T4Ps can function as flagella | N-termina Sec for insertion of pilin into IM; Signals for pilin extrusion from and reinsertion into IM | T4P assembly on IM/CM platform; Pilus extension through G-negative secretin channel or G -positive cell wall | T2SS GspD secretin | GSP for insertion of pilins into IM | IM platform and GspE/PilT ATPases for pilus assembly/retraction | GspE/PilaT ATPases & PMF for Pilus extension/retraction; PilT-independent retraction in some systems |
Type 9 | Gram-negative; Bacteriodetes | Monomeric proteins, including very large (~670 kDa SprB) adhesins | Cell surface; Extracellular milieu | Adhesion; Polymer degradation; Biofilms; Gliding motility: SprB adhesin moves rapidly between cell poles along closed helical loop | N-terminal Sec;Conserved CTDs for recruitment to T9SS in periplasm | Cell surface anchoring to acidic LPS by 'sortase-like' mechanism | SprA/sov: 36-strand β-barrel; PorV complex cleaves CTDs and attaches substrates to LPS | GSP | SprA/sov channel regulated by PorN,P,K,V; OM channel physically linked to IM-spanning PorM/L complex | IM PMF; secretion coupled to gliding motility |
Class III: One-step translocation systems—span Gram-negative cell envelope and translocate substrates without a periplasmic intermediate | ||||||||||
Type 1 | Gram-negative | Monomeric unfolded proteins | Cell surface; Extracellular milieu | Adhesin; Proteases; Lipases; Heme-binding | C-terminal signal forbinding to MFP/ATPase complex | Lap/Iba substrates are released by environmentally-induced, post-translocation cleavage | TolC-like channel/tunnel | ATPase/MFP complex | Substrate and ATP-binding induced channel activation and recruitment of TolC | ABC ATPase; Ca2+-mediated protein folding to prevent backsliding |
Type 3: Injectisomes and flagella | Gram-negative; Gram-positive flagella | Monomeric unfolded proteins | Eukaryotic cell Flagellum assembly | Effector translocation disrupts various eukaryotic cell pathways and physiological processes; Flagellar-based motility | N-terminal peptide signal or 5′ RNA signal | Ordered contacts with sorting platform; ATPase-mediated unfolding; Target-cell-contact mediated machine activation | Secretion channel through which needle complex extrudes; L-/P-rings for Flagella assembly | ATPase/sorting platform/Export apparatus | IM complex and OM secretin complex form and join together as the needle complex (NC). NC is a scaffold for substrate sorting platform and injection needle | InvC-Like ATPase for substrate unfolding; PMF for translocation |
Type 4 | Gram-negative and -positive; Archaea | Monomeric unfolded proteins; Multimeric A/B5 toxin, Single-stranded DNA-relaxase intermediates of MGEs | Bacterial or eukaryotic cells; Extracellular milieu; Surface-displayed conjugative pili | Conjugative DNA transfer; Effector translocation disrupts eukaryotic cell pathways and physiological processes; interbacterial toxin transmission; pilus-mediated adherence and biofilm development | C-terminal charged or hydrophobic, or internal motifs; Two-step translocation for PT export by B. pertussis Ptl system | Substrate docking & target-cell-contact mediated machine activation; Some systems elaborate conjugative pili | α-Helical OM pore connected to barrel/disc-shaped OMC | IMC:IM platform; VirB4, VirD4 ± VirB11 ATPases | LOL-sorting/Bam-independent insertion of OMC into OM; OMC assembles & stabilizes IMC and VirB4; VirB11 and VirD4 dock stably or transiently with IMC | ATPase- & substrate-induced conformational changes & PMF |
Type 6 | Gram-negative | Monomeric proteins; may be covalently bound to machine components | Bacterial or eukaryotic cells | Effectors modulate eukaryotic cell processes; anti-bacterial and anti-eukaryotic cell toxins | Signals for effector docking with sheath, tube, or spike proteins; Covalent binding of effectors with these machine subunits | Target-cell-contact mediated machine activation | TssL/J/M membrane complex | TssL/J/M membrane complex/Baseplate | Sheath/tube assembly & contraction | PMF for sheath/tube contraction; ClpV ATPase-mediated recycling of sheath components |
Class IV: One-step translocation systems-span Gram-positive cytoplasmic membrane and translocate substrates to cell surface or beyond | ||||||||||
Type 7 | Gram-positive Mycobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes | Monomeric proteins; Homo- and hetero-dimers; WxG1OO & PPE/PE proteins | Cell surface; Extracellular milieu | Membrane permeabilization; Virulence; DNA conjugation; sliding motility; other? | C-terminal signals mediate binding to EccC ATPase | Homo- or hetero-dimer formation for some substrates | Two-step mechanism postulated for translocation across mycobacterial mycolic membrane | EccB/C/D/E membrane complex; VirD4- like EccC has 3 ATPase domains | Machine assembly & translocation mechanism unknown | EccC ATPase-mediated translocation |