Influences of nanosome Honokiol (nHNK) on selected physiological parameters concerned with renal function. Cisplatin-induced kidney injury and the effects of nanosome honokiol were evaluated by body weight, urine osmolarity, serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, and serum indoxylsulfate. (A) Dose-dependent evaluation showed the lowest effective concentration of nHNK to restore cisplatin-induced renal damages and loss of body weight is 5 mg/kg body weight (B) Cisplatin administration caused reduced body weight (−23%) and urine osmolarity (−50%) with increased serum BUN (+226%), creatinine (+230%) and serum indoxulsulfate (+425%) in mice at the end of six weeks. Mice in the treatment group (green lines), besides urine osmolarity (–36%), exhibited improved renal functions as evaluated by serum BUN (–17%), creatinine (+0%), and indoxylsulfate (+211%). The percentage shown at each graph represents the relative changes of indicated physiological parameter at the sixth week as compared with its own value at the starting point (0 week). Experiments were carried out with six animals in each group (24 animals in total), and analyses were performed bi-weekly. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Asterisks indicated significant (p < 0.05) difference between the cisplatin-injured group (red lines) and the treatment group (in green). Statistics was performed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a Kruskal Wallis test.