Figure 8.
Immunoexpression of mismatch repair proteins in tumor cells of testicular germ cell tumor subtypes. MLH1 (A) and (B), PMS2 (C) and (D), MSH2 (E) and (F) and MSH6 (G) and (H) immunoexpression scoring in tumor cells among seminomas and non-seminomas, and among the various histotypes. Abbreviations: CS—combined score; TC—tumor cells; NS—non-seminoma; SE—seminoma; EC—embryonal carcinoma; YST—postpubertal-type yolk sac tumor; TE—postpubertal-type teratoma; CH—choriocarcinoma. * refers to p < 0.05; ** refers to p < 0.01; *** refers to p < 0.001; **** refers to p < 0.0001.