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. 2019 Sep 24;9(10):720. doi: 10.3390/ani9100720

Table 1.

Formula and nutritional composition of the basal diet (based on dried matter).

Item Content/% Item Content
Corn 51.22 DE (MJ/Kg) 12.81
Wheat bran 17.41 CP (g/Kg) 171.73
Barley bran 15.91 Ca/% 0.85
Sesame 4.98 P/% 0.66
Premix 6.46
NaHCO3 2.48
Salt 1.49
NaSeO3 0.05
Total 100
Silage 52.24 DE (MJ/Kg) 3.79
Hay 29.85 CP (g/Kg) 49
Soybean milk residue 17.91 Ca/% 0.4
Total 100 P/% 0.07

Note: Ingredients contained in each kilogram of premix: Vitamin A 80 KIU/kg, vitamin D3 20 KIU/kg, vitamin E 200 mg/kg, Fe 640 mg/kg, Mn 640 mg/kg, Cu 120 mg/kg, Zn 640 mg/kg, Co 2.5 mg/kg, I 10.5mg/kg, Se 2.5mg/kg. DE, digestible energy; CP, crude protein; Ca, calcium; P, phosphorus.