Figure 10.
Curve of Tanimoto coefficients clustering index for WM, GM and CSF tissues with additive noise between 1% and 20%. Application with the hybrid approach BCFCM/GA/PFCM for a GMPH image. The results of modeling approaches from (1) to (15) are reported. viz., (1) FCM, (2) PCM, (3) FCM/PCM, (4) FCM/GA/PCM, (5) BCFCM/PCM, (6) BCFCM/GA/PCM, (7) FPCM, (8) FCM/FPCM, (9) FCM/GA/FPCM, (10) BCFCM/FPCM, (11) BCFCM/GA/FPCM, (12) PFCM, (13) FCM/PFCM, (14) FCM/GA/PFCM, (15) BCFCM /PFCM. Legend. BCFCM: Bias corrected FCM; FCM: Fuzzy c-means; GA: Genetic algorithms; PCM: Possibilistic c-means; FPCM: Fuzzy PCM; PFCM: Possibilistic FCM.