Mutations in non-BRCA genes reported in LA breast cancer patients. Frequently reported mutations are observed in ATM, TP53, CHEK2 and BARD1 genes. (a) ATM likely loss of function and therefore likely oncogenic mutations S214Pfs*16, S1883fs, T2334Qfs*4, and R2568fs; (b) TP53 likely loss of function and therefore likely oncogenic mutations V143M, R158H, R248Q, R273H, R306*, and R337H; (c) CHEK2 most reported mutation T367M*; (d) BARD1 likely loss of function and therefore likely oncogenic mutations R112*, S541*, RG41* and Y739Lfs*. Mutation type: missense (green), truncating (black), in frame (red), other (pink).