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. 2019 Nov;61(5):620–630. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2018-0257OC

Table 2.

Summary of Data

Increased PTH (μM) PX (μM) CPF (μM) CPFO (μM) DZN (μM) DZO (μM) DEDTP (μM) DETP (μM) DEP (μM)
TNF-α mRNA 30, 100 30, 100 30, 100 0.001 and 0.1, 30, 100 30, 100 0.001 30 and 300 ns ns
protein 30, 100 ns 30, 100 ns 100 ns 300* ns ns
IL-1β mRNA 30, 100 ns 10, 30, 100 0.001 and 100 10, 30, 100 0.001 30 and 300 ns ns
protein ns ns ns ns 100 ns 300* ns ns
PDGF mRNA 10, 30, 100 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 1, 10, 30, 100 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 10, 30, 100 0.001 30 and 300 ns ns
protein ns ns ns ns ns ns
TGF-β mRNA 10, 30, 100 100 30, 100 0.001, and 0.01, 100 30, 100 ns ns ns ns
protein nd nd nd nd nd nd
NF-κB activation 3, 10, 30, 100 ns 30 ns 10 ns

Definition of abbreviations: “and” = indicates no dose response effect; CPF = chlorpyrifos; CPFO = CPF oxon; DEDTP = O,O-diethyl dithiophosphate; DEP = diethyl phosphate; DETP = O,O-diethyl thiophosphate potassium salt; DZN = diazinon; DZO = diazoxon; nd = not detected (i.e., below the standard curve); ns = no significant increase; PTH = parathion; PX = paraoxon.

This table summarizes the data for PTH, PX, CPF, CPFO, DZN, and DZO, as well as DEDTP, DETP, and DEP on cytokine mRNA and protein release in THP1 cells. All concentrations are in μM. Data for PTH/oxon, CPF/oxon and DZN/oxon are from Figures 1 and E1. Protein levels for TGF-β were all less than the lower limit of the standard curve (lowest concentration 31.3 ng/ml). Data for NF-κB activation are from Figure 3. Data for DEDTP, DEP, and DETP are from Figures 2 and E3.


DEDTP at 300 μM caused a large increase in TNF-α and IL-1β, but it was not statistically significant.