Fig. 2.
Heatmap for the SUMO1 MAVE dataset rendered by MaveVis. The x-axis iterates over amino acid positions in the protein, while the y-axis lists all possible amino acid changes organized by their physicochemical properties. The heatmap color reflects the variant effect score, with blue being as deleterious as a full deletion (labeled “stop” in the color bar), white being equivalent to the reference allele (labeled “syn” in the color bar), and red representing a stronger phenotype than the reference residue at that position (labeled “hyper” in the color bar). Yellow cells indicate the reference amino acid at each position. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. The stacked bars above the heatmap represent the relative frequencies for each phenotype bin of the corresponding color at each position. Additional tracks show data integrated from other databases: orange heatmap tracks represent burial in protein interaction interfaces, the steel blue heatmap track represents solvent accessibility, the arrows and spirals correspond to secondary structure, and the yellow bar chart at the top shows sequence conservation