Analysis of FakB selectivity in vitro. FA kinase assays were used to investigate the selectivites of the SpFakBs. Each SpFakB was assayed in the presence of 0.2 μm
SpFakA using 20 μm of an individual radiolabeled FA that corresponds to its substrate preference. [14C]16:0 was the substrate for SpFakB1, [14C]18:1 was the substrate with SpFakB2, and [14C]18:2 was the substrate for SpFakB3. Then to each assay 80 μm cold FA competitor was added. A, SpFakB1. B, SpFakB2. C, SpFakB3, and D, SpFakB3. Experiments were performed in triplicate. Data are the mean ± S.D. of 3 individual data sets. Statistical differences between the FA incorporated in each strain was determined using Student's t test.