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. 2019 Sep 17;294(44):16416–16428. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.010659

Table 2.

Data collection statistics for SpFakB fatty acid complexes

Protein SpFakB1 SpFakB1 SpFakB2 SpFakB2 SpFakB3
Fatty acid Myristate (14:0) Palmitate (16:0) Oleate (18:1Δ9) Vaccinate (18:1Δ11) Linoleate (18:2Δ9,12)
Precipitant PEG2/D7 PEG2/D7 Classics suite/A5 LMB/D12 JCSG+/B7
Cryoprotectant Paraffin/paratone-N (1:1) 25% Glycerol 25% Glycerol 25% Glycerol 25% Glycerol
Data collection
    Beamline SER-CAT 22-BM SER-CAT 22-ID SER-CAT 22-ID SER-CAT 22-BM SER-CAT 22-ID
    Detector MarCCD 300HS Dectris Eiger X 16 m Dectris Eiger X 16 m MarCCD 300HS MarCCD 300HS
    Temperature (K) 100 100 100 100 100
    Wavelength (Å) 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
    Space group P21 P21 P212121 P212121 P21
    Unit cell parameters (Å)
        a, b, c 37.56,66.32,46.95 46.83,62.34,50.43 59.72,103.85,108.17 59.65,103.41,107.93 52.78,103.41,67.47
        α, β, γ 90.00,95.75,90.00 90.00,95.94,90.00 90.00,90.00,90.00 90.00,90.00,90.00 90.00,112.99,90.00
    Resolution range (Å) 66.32–1.69 62.34–1.76 74.92–1.90 74.67–2.10 62.11–1.47
    Rmerge 0.056 (0.669)a 0.059 (0.497) 0.109 (0.827) 0.101 (0.616) 0.036 (0.544)
    Rr.i.m. or Rmeas 0.066 (0.790) 0.072 (0.613) 0.129 (0.978) 0.113 (0.693) 0.044 (0.669)
    Rp.i.m. 0.34 (0.415) 0.042 (0.355) 0.067 (0.510) 0.050 (0.311) 0.025 (0.386)
    Number observations 93,246 (4,636) 76,979 (4,403) 197,121 (12,541) 190,517 (15,213) 323,223 (15,293)
    Number unique reflections 25,680 (1,310) 28,063 (1,592) 52,631 (3,366) 39,625 (3,194) 108,472 (5,188)
    Multiplicity 3.6 (3.5) 2.7 (2.8) 3.7 (3.7) 4.8 (4.8) 3.0 (2.9)
    Mn I/σ(I) 16.2 (2.0) 10.6 (2.0) 9.4 (1.9) 9.0 (2.0) 15.0 (2.0)
    Mn(I) half-set corr. 0.998 (0.667) 0.995 (0.746) 0.993 (0.479) 0.998 (0.799) 0.999 (0.574)
    Completeness (%) 99.8 (99.8) 97.9 (98.7) 98.3 (99.6) 99.7 (99.7) 96.2 (94.1)
    Wilson B-factor (Å−2) 17.3 22.0 17.03 21.7 17.3
Model quality
    Twinning (operator, %) NAb NA NA NA -h,-k,h+l, 49.8
    Monomers/asymetric unit 1 1 2 2 2
    Rwork/Rfree value (%) 15.2/20.0 17.0/20.6 17.1/22.7 18.4/24.1 13.7/16.5
    R.m.s. deviations
        Bonds (Å) 0.017 0.005 0.010 0.009 0.014
        Angles (°) 1.482 0.751 1.361 0.915 1.134
    Coordinates error (ML, Å)c 0.17 0.22 0.12 0.24 n/a
    Protein residues 285 283 555 557 562
    Average B factor (Å2)
        All atoms 25.1 29.9 25.4 36.5 21.2
        Protein atoms 23.4 28.4 23.8 36.4 19.1
        Fatty acid atoms 17.5 19.8 31.2 33.9 30.3
        Solvent atoms 38.9 41.9 37.7 37.8 30.6
    Ramachandran plot
        Favored (%) 96.8 98.2 98.5 98.6 96.0
        Allowed (%) 2.5 1.8 1.3 1.5 3.8
        Outliers (%) 0.7 0 0.2 0.8 0.2
    Clashscore 2.8 2.2 2.3 4.3 8.6

a Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell. Rmerge = Σ(I−〈I〉)/Σ(I); where I is the intensity measured for a given reflection, 〈I〉 is the average intensity for multiple measurements of this reflection. Rp.i.m. = (Σ[1/(n − 1)]1/2. Σ|I − 〈I〉|)/Σ(I). Rwork = Σ‖Fobs| − |Fcalc‖/Σ|Fobs|; where Fobs and Fcalc are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively. Rfree is Rwork for the 5% excluded reflections during refinement.

b NA, not applicable.

c ML is maximum likelihood.