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. 2019 Jul;17(4):336–344. doi: 10.1370/afm.2385

Table 3.

Percentage of Ambulatory Primary and Preventive Care Visits Stratified by Insurance Group and ACA Period

Continuously Uninsureda (n = 28,834) Gained Medicaidb (n = 20,766) Gained Other Insurancec (n = 17,171) No Post-ACA Period Ambulatory Care Visitsd (n = 71,475)
Overall ambulatory care visit rates per patient per period
Pre-ACA period, rate 4.64 4.57 5.47 2.18
Post-ACA period, rate 4.00 6.29 7.59
Pre/post rate change −0.64Ref 1.72e 2.12e
Overall ambulatory care visits, No. (%)
Pre-ACA period
 1-2 12,150 (42.1) 9,579 (46.1) 6,603 (38.5) 54,450 (76.2)
 3-5 8,998 (31.2) 6,123 (29.5) 5,030 (29.3) 12,462 (17.4)
 ≥6 7,686 (26.7) 5,064 (24.4) 5,538 (32.3) 4,563 (6.4)
Post-ACA period
 1-2 14,298 (49.6) 7,009 (33.8) 3,177 (18.5)
 3-5 8,195 (28.4) 6,180 (29.8) 5,475 (31.9)
 ≥6 6,341 (22.0) 7,577 (36.5) 8,519 (49.6)
Primary care visits, No. (%)
Pre-ACA period
 0 2,310 (8.0) 901 (4.3) 975 (5.7) 12,631 (17.7)
 1-2 12,406 (43.0) 9,681 (46.6) 6,646 (38.7) 45,693 (63.9)
 3-5 8,722 (30.2) 6,153 (29.6) 5,232 (30.5) 10,144 (14.2)
 ≥6 5,396 (18.7) 4,031 (19.4) 4,318 (25.1) 3,007 (4.2)
Post-ACA period
 0 2,595 (9.0) 462 (2.2) 364 (2.1)
 1-2 14,210 (49.3) 7,297 (35.1) 3,858 (22.5)
 3-5 7,758 (26.9) 6,393 (30.8) 5,989 (34.9)
 ≥6 4,271 (14.8) 6,614 (31.9) 6,960 (40.5)
Preventive care visits, No. (%)
Pre-ACA period
 0 24,228 (84.0) 18,508 (89.1) 14,696 (85.6) 66,499 (93.0)
 1-2 4,590 (15.9) 2,254 (10.9) 2,465 (14.4) 4,971 (7.0)
 3-5 16 (0.1) 4 (0) 10 (0.1) 5 (0)
Post-ACA period
 0 24,839 (86.1) 16,942 (81.6) 12,883 (75.0)
 1-2 3,971 (13.8) 3,792 (18.3) 4,232 (24.6)
 3-5 24 (0.1) 32 (0.2) 56 (0.3)

ACA = Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Ref = reference group.

Notes: Pre-ACA = January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013; Post-ACA = January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015.

Visits refer to ambulatory care only.

Overall ambulatory care use includes all billable encounters. Primary care Current Procedural Terminology codes: 99201-99205, 99212-99215, 99241-99245, 99381-99387, 99391-99397. Preventive care Current Procedural Terminology codes: 99385-99387, 99395-99397.

Pairwise insurance-group differences between Continuously Uninsured vs Gained Medicaid, Continuously Uninsured vs Gained Other Insurance, and Continuously Uninsured vs No Post-ACA Period Ambulatory Care Visits were statistically significant for overall, primary care, and preventive care visits (P <.05).


All preperiod visits were uninsured, and all postperiod visits were uninsured.


All preperiod visits were uninsured, and all postperiod visits were covered by Medicaid with the following exception: to allow for time to enroll in Medicaid, the first visit post-ACA could be uninsured.


All preperiod visits were uninsured, and during the post-ACA period, visits were covered by other insurance types or insurance patterns (churning).


All preperiod visits were uninsured, and there were no visits during the post-ACA period.


Statistically significant (P < .05) interaction terms between insurance groups by time period using a Poisson regression model.