Fig 3. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained skin biopsy specimens obtained following ID injection with mLT or dmLT.
Samples were taken sixteen days following the first immunization (S1; C, D, E, F, G, H) and two days following the second immunization (S2; A, B) from animals immunized with 0.5 μg mLT (A-D), 2.5 μg dmLT (E-F) or saline (G-H). Images were selected to represent the findings. The pathology of S2 (A and B) was characteristic of acute dermatitis while S1 (C and D) demonstrated chronic dermatitis. Magnification 20x (A, C, and G) and 400x (B, D, E, F, and H). e = edema; n = neutrophil; m = macrophage; p = plasma cell; l = lymphocyte; ep = epidermis.