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. 2019 Sep 14;7(10):e14706. doi: 10.2196/14706

Table 3.

Blood pressure values measured by different devices.

BPa Mean (SD) Range MDb (SD) MADc (SD) MAPDd (SD) Limits of agreement, MD (2SDs) P value
Device worn for 24 hours

Systolic BP

0.08 (10.56) 7.63 (7.09) 6.01 (5.42) 0.08 (20.69) >.05e

Wearable 125 (5) 119-138

Ambulatory 126 (10) 111-150

Diastolic BP

2.46 (7.67) 5.90 (5.34) 7.48 (6.45) 2.46 (15.03) >.05e

Wearable 77 (9) 72-87

Ambulatory 75 (6) 64-90
7 days

Systolic BP

13.19 (8.31) 13.19 (8.31) 10.56 (6.64) <.01f

Wearable 125 (4) 113-139

Home 112 (10) 85-135

Diastolic BP

5.86 (7.62) 7.28 (6.21) 9.37 (8.04) <.01f

Wearable 77 (3) 68-87

Home 71 (8) 50-90

aBP: blood pressure.

bMD: mean difference.

cMAD: mean absolute difference.

dMAPD: mean absolute percentage difference.

eP for mean difference between ambulatory and wearable (24 hours) devices.

fP for mean difference between home (7 days) and wearable (7 days) devices.