Fig. 4.
Coronal (a–c) and transversal (d) zoomed computed TE = 8 ms images at 7-T of the four patients not depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. a Patient 2 (male, 52 years old, prostate cancer). b Patient 3 (male, 62 years old, prostate cancer). c Patient 5 (female, 64 years old, rectal cancer). d Patient 6 (female, 55 years old, rectal cancer). The images indicate a lymph node and its short axis that was marked as lymph node without USPIO signal decay by a radiologist (white arrow). Note how these lymph nodes without USPIO signal decay, although small, are clearly visible due to bright signal and can be delineated well from other structures. The node identified in d shows signal heterogeneity, which could indicate partial USPIO signal decay within this node