The absence of hepatic Sirt1 blunts the suppression of lipogenesis genes and downregulates fatty acid oxidation (FAO) genes upon LNA29 treatment. (A) Venn diagram of upregulated genes that are shared or unique in WT/Floxed and L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29 (P < 0.05, adjusted P < 0.2, base mean >50, fold change>1.2). (B) Expressions of upregulated genes shared between WT/Floxed and L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29. (C) Venn diagram of downregulated genes that are shared or unique in WT/Floxed and L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29 (P < 0.05, adjusted P < 0.2, base mean>50, fold change 1.2). (D) Expressions of downregulated genes shared between WT/Floxed and L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29. (E) Pathway analysis of the downregulated genes unique to WT/Floxed mice in response to LNA29. (F) Pathway analysis of the downregulated genes unique to L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29. (G) Lipogenesis genes are downregulated in WT/Floxed but blunted in L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29. (H) FAO genes are unchanged in WT/Floxed but downregulated in L-Sirt1 KO mice in response to LNA29. (I) Genes that are changed in opposite direction in WT/Floxed and L-Sirt1KO mice in response to LNA29. ∗∗P < 0.01, #P < 0.001 by Wald test (DESeq2) (WT/Floxed-saline, n = 5; WT/Floxed-LNA29, n = 8; L-Sirt1 KO-saline, n = 4; L-Sirt1 KO-LNA29, n = 4).