Comparison of daily surge model with estrous cycle. A, B. Representative firing patterns (A) and individual values and mean ±SEM firing rate (B) of GnRH neurons from diestrous, proestrous or OVX+E mice recorded in the PM. C, D. Representative recordings (C) and individual values and mean ±SEM frequency (D) of spontaneous GABAergic postsynaptic current (PSCs) in GnRH neurons from diestrous PM, proestrous AM and proestrous PM mice. E. Representative current-clamp recordings from diestrous PM, proestrous AM and proestrous PM mice. F. Mean±SEM number of action potentials in these groups; grey shaded areas show range of SEM for the same experiment in GnRH neurons from OVX+E AM and OVX+E PM mice. * p<0.05. A and B adapted from (56), C-F adapted from (54,57) with permission.