Figure 1.
Fasting serum gastrin (FSG) concentration in Zollinger–Ellison syndrome (ZES) patients at NIH (n = 309) (A,B) and from the literature (n = 2229) (B). In (A), the FSG is expressed as log of concentration (left Y axis) with the numerical value in pg/mL (right Y axis), with upper limit of normal shown by the dotted line. In (B), the FSG levels from both the NIH and from literature patients are shown as fold over normal with normal FSG level indicated by the dotted line. Asterisks indicated statistically significant differences (p < 0.02) in two groups of patients for a given FSG level in (B). Figure is drawn from data in [24]. Note that 40% of ZES patients have FSG levels that overlap with those seen in non-ZES patients taking chronic proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).