Histological analysis of trabecular bone and osteoclast distribution. Severe trabecular bone loss and increased TRAP-stained osteoclasts existed in glucocorticoid-treated WT bone tissue, whereas well-connected bone histology but few osteoclasts remained in glucocorticoid-treated miR-29aTg bone tissue (A); Scale bar, 30 μm (upper panels); 10 μm (lower panel). The glucocorticoid-mediated increases in Tb.Sp (B), Oc.N (C), erosion area (D) and ES.BS% (E) were significantly improved in miR-29aTg mice. Data are expressed as the mean ± standard errors calculated from 6 mice. Asterisks * indicate significant differences from the WT-Veh group and hashtags # indicate significant differences from the WT-GC group (p < 0.05). WT, wild-type mice; Tg, miR-29aTg mice; Veh, vehicle; GC, glucocorticoid; Tb.Sp, trabecular separation; Oc.N, osteoclast number; ES.BS, eroded surface.