Expression of COE genes among B. tabaci MED developmental stages. The phylogenetic tree on the left shows the phylogenetic relationships of COE in B. tabaci MED. A total of 42 COE amino acid sequences of B. tabaci MED were aligned by MUSCLE, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA 6.0 using the NJ method based on the JTT model with a uniform substitution rate. Bootstrap values displayed at branch points are expressed as percentages of 1000 replicates. The color scale is displayed on the right side; yellow represents higher expression values (log2-transformed FPKM values), while blue represents lower expression values (log2-transformed FPKM values). E, Egg; N1-2, 1st- and 2nd-instar nymphs; N3, 3rd-instar nymph; N4, 4th-instar nymph; M, Male; F, Female.