ALDH-High Endometrial Cancer Cells Depend on Glycolysis for Their Survival and Growth
(A) Gene set enrichment analyses of gene expression profiles between ALDH-high and ALDH-low cells (Hallmark of glycolysis).
(B and C) Time course of ECAR of spheroid cells with the indicated stimulation. The differences between ALDH-high and ALDH-low cells (B), and between ALDH-high cells with vehicle or disulfiram treatment (C). n = 4 independent experiments.
(D–F) Relative glucose uptake (D), intracellular glucose (E), and lactate level (F) of ALDH-low cells, ALDH-high cells, and ALDH-high cells treated with disulfiram. n = 4 independent experiments, p < 0.01, Student's t test.
(G) Time course of the proliferation of ALDH-high and ALDH-low cells under no glucose culture condition. n = 4 independent experiments, Student's t test.
(H) FACS analyses of ALDH activity in ALDH-high cells cultivated under normal or no glucose condition for 2 days.
(I) Time course of the proliferation of ALDH-high and ALDH-low cells under 20μM 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) treatment. n = 4 independent experiments, Student's t test.
∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figure S4.