Figure 4.
Clonal Pattern of Glial Lineages at P180
(A) Astroglial clone in the striatum formed by eight sibling cells identified by both labeling and cell location of the six fluorophores. Scale bars, 500 μm (left) and 50 μm (right).
(B) Larger astroglial clones occupy wider domains within the rostrocaudal axes, with a maximum of 250 μm of dispersion.
(C) 3D representation of sibling astroglial types located in the telencephalon after postnatal NPC targeting. Yellow: sibling astrocytes limited to the upper layers of the cerebral cortex (Corticalup clones, 21%); green: sibling astrocytes widespread into the lower and upper cortical layers (Corticallow&up clones, 21%); blue: astroglial clones localized in the lower cortical layers (Corticallow clones, 43%); purple: sibling astrocytes restricted to the striatal region (Striatal clones, 15%).
(D) General distribution of astroglial clones (n = 14) plotted according to their location along the rostrocaudal axes, clonal size, and layer distribution.
(E) Representative oligodendroglial clone in white matter (coronal section). Nine sibling oligodendrocytes identified by their color code are located in the white matter. Scale bars, 500 μm (left) and 50 μm (right).
(F) Rostrocaudal dispersion of oligodendroglial clones. Sibling cells occupy up to 500 μm in the rostrocaudal axis.
(G) 3D representation of oligodendroglial clone distribution within the telencephalon. Yellow: sibling oligodendroglial cells confined to the cortical layers (20%, Cortical clones); green: oligodendroglial clones located in both cortex and subcortical white matter (27%, Cortical&WM clones); blue: sibling oligodendrocytes limited to subcortical white matter (47%, WM clones); purple: sibling oligodendrocytes located in both white matter and striatum (6%, WM&Striatal clones).
(H) Representation of oligodendroglial clones (n = 15) plotted according to their location along the rostrocaudal axes, clonal size, and layer distribution.