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. 2019 Aug;150(2):131–138. doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_660_19

Table I.

Data from randomized controlled trials evaluating the impact of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on mortality in HIV-infected tuberculosis (TB) patients: 2010-2018

Main author Country Sample size Impact of ART on mortality
Abdool Karim et al8 South Africa 642 Mortality reduction of 56% with ART initiation during TB treatment
Török et al9 Vietnam 253 Mortality high and unchanged in HIV-infected TBM treated with immediate and deferred ART
Abdool Karim et al10 South Africa 642 Similar rates of AIDS and death with ART irrespective of when during TB therapy, ART was started
Blanc et al11 Cambodia 661 Significant survival gains with ART initiation 2 wk after initiation of TB treatment
Havlir et al12 Brazil 809 No decrease in AIDS-defining illness and mortality regardless of whether patients received immediate or early ART
Manosuthi et al13 Thailand 156 No change in survival with either immediate of early ART in TB therapy Low baseline CD4+ cell counts and low albumin at TB diagnosis were predictors of poor survival
Sinha et al14 India 150 Similar mortality rates were observed in those who started ART 2-4 wk after initiation of TB treatment and in those starting ART 8-12 wk after starting TB treatment
Mfinanga et al15 Multi-country 13,588 No significant benefit from early ART initiation in those with less-advanced immunodeficiency, highlighting need to prioritize people with low CD4+ cell count for early initiation of ART
Amogne et al16 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 478 ART one week after TB did not improve survival. Two-thirds of all mortalities occurred within the first two weeks

TBM, tuberculous meningitis