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. 2019 Nov 4;19:298. doi: 10.1186/s12877-019-1268-y

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study population. Means, standard deviations, percentages, minimum - maximum and 95% confidence interval

Sociodemographic and descriptive characteristics Mean (SD) Min-max 95% CI
Age, mean (SD) 74.2 (5.8) 65–89 73.3–75.1
Education, in years, mean (SD) 13.1 (3.4) 7–22 12.6–13.7
Living alone Yes % 45.1
No % 54.9
BMI, mean (SD) 23.2 (3.7) 15.8–35.3 22.6–23.8
Comorbidity Yes % 40.5
No % 59.5
Pain last week, NRS, (0–10), mean (SD) 3.4 (2.5) 0–10 2.9–3.8
Pain categories, % mild (0–3) 52.1
% moderate (4–6) 36.1
% severe (7–10) 11.8
Physical function
 FR cm, mean (SD) 34.1 (6.4) 18–56 33.1–35.1
 Walking speed m/s, mean (SD) 1.21 (0.30) 0.30–1.94 1.16–1.26
 Armcurls, mean (SD) 15.2 (3.8) 4–28 14.5–15.8
 30sSTS, mean (SD) 12.6 (3.9) 1–26 12.0–13.3
 SF-36, mean (SD)a
  Physical functioning (PF) 67.6 (22.9) 10–100 63.8–71.3
  Role physical (RP) 63.0 (29.0) 0–100 58.3–67.7
  Bodily pain (BP) 58.8 (23.7) 10–100 54.9–62.6
  General health (GH) 63.7 (23.3) 10–100 59.9–67.5
  Vitality (VT) 53.9 (16.6) 10–90 51.2–56.6
  Social functioning (SF) 84.1 (20.5) 25–100 80.7–87.4
  Role emotional (RE) 63.1 (20.6) 0–80 59.8–66.5
  Mental health (MH) 71.6 (13.2) 24–88 69.5–73.8
  Physical Component Score (PCS) 43.0 (10.0) 18.8–62.7 41.4–44.6
  Mental Component Score (MCS) 49.7 (6.6) 24.8–62.0 48.6–50.8
 QUALEFFO-41, mean (SD)#
  Score Pain 35.3 (25.2) 0–95 31.2–39.4
  Physical Function 17.2 (13.2) 0–55.9 15.1–19.4
  Score Leisure and Social Activities 25.8 (21.1) 0–95 22.4–29.3
  Score Views about Health in General 44.8 (22.5) 0–100 41.0–48.6
  Score Mood 34.3 (12.9) 8.3–75 32.2–36.4
  Total Score Qualeffo 26.7 (13.1) 7.5–65.3 24.6–28.8

SD Standard deviation, CI Confidence Interval, BMI Body Mass Index, NRS Numerical Rating Scale, FR Functional Reach; 30sSTS 30 s Sit to Stand; aScore 0–100, 100 best score; #Score 0–100, 0 best score