Fig. 3.
Quality of TB diagnostic evaluation (January–December 2017). The table displays the proportion of adults with presumptive TB at 24 health centers who completed each step of the diagnostic process, generated through binomial regression models adjusted for clustering by health center. Overall, 79.0% of presumptive TB patients had samples referred for sputum-based testing, 55.9% completed testing if referred, and 74.9% were treated within 14 days if TB was microbiologically-confirmed. The proportion completing all steps in accordance with the International Standards for TB Care was 42.6%. Compared to patients with samples referred for smear microscopy, patients with samples referred for Xpert testing were more likely to complete testing (97.7% vs 42.3%) but less likely to initiate treatment within 14 days if test results were positive (52.9% vs. 83.6%).