ARID3a is expressed in healthy and SLE hematopoietic progenitors, and the levels of ARID3a affect lineage decisions. Cell subsets with ARID3a expression in healthy individuals are indicated with the red font, while gold stars indicate populations with increased numbers of ARID3a-expressing cells in SLE patients. The effects of increased or inhibited levels of ARID3a (arrows up or down) on HSCs (1), RBCs (2) early myeloid lineage development (3), early B lymphoid development (4), late myeloid lineage development (5), and late B lineage development (6) are shown by thicker arrows for increases, or with a symbol showing that development is blocked. HSCs—hematopoietic stem cells; MPPs—multipotent progenitors; MMPs—multi-myeloid progenitors; MLPs—multi-lymphoid progenitors; TCPs—T cell progenitors; NKPs—natural killer cell progenitors; pDCs—plasmacytoid dendritic cells; RBCs—red blood cells.