Figure 1.
Schematic overview of the HIV-1 replication cycle: (1) The HIV-1 particle attaches and fuses itself to the host cell membrane via its surface glycoproteins and enters the cell cytoplasm; (2) viral genomic RNA is reverse transcribed into DNA, accompanied by uncoating of the viral capsid; (3) nuclear entry of pre-integration complex occurs with the help of various host nuclear proteins; (4) integration of vDNA into the host chromatin; (5) during productive infection, viral transcription takes place; (6) RNA splicing and nuclear export of viral RNA occurs; (7) production and assembly of new virus particles, which bud from the plasma membrane; and (8) virions become infectious after maturation (action of protease). The viral and host cellular proteins involved in the replication cycle of HIV-1 are highlighted at each step in red and black, respectively.