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. 2019 Nov 1;11:237–252. doi: 10.2147/OARRR.S174408

Table 2.

Depression And Anxiety Screening Measures Used For Youth With JIA (2009–2019)

Author N (JIA) Screening Measure For Anxiety Anxiety Screen Interpretation Prevalence Of Anxiety Symptoms/Or Mean Score (SD)a Screening Measure For Depression Depression Screen Interpretation Prevalence Of Depressive Symptoms/Or Mean Score (SD)a
Banasiak et al (2010)50 30 STAI (s) Low: 1–4
Moderate: 5–6
High: 7-10
Anxiety: 47% moderate,
10% high anxiety
Tarakci et al (2011)31 52b SCARED (s) ≥ 25 24.2 (9.7) CDI (s) ≥19 8.1 (4.8)
Anthony et al (2011)25 51 RCMAS (s) T-score > 60 8% CDI (s) T-score > 60 12%
Reda et al (2011)30 30 MINI-KID (s) Diagnostic Criteria for Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 40% MINI-KID Diagnostic Criteria for Dysthymia, Major Depressive Disorder 97%
Vuorimaa et al (2011)24 142 STAI (s) T-scale 7% CDI (s) ≥13 12%
Barsdorf (2011)27 36 NA NA NA CDI (s) ≥19 7.6 (4.6)
Lal et al (2011)26 204 NA NA NA MFQ (s) ≥27 7%
Russo et al (2012)32 33 Anxiety Checklist for Children and Adolescents (s) z scores z-score range: −1.7–0.04 CDI (s) z scores z-score range: −1.7–0.2
Hrelic et al (2013)28 49 RCMAS (s) NS 18% CES-DC (s) ≥15 33%
Bomba et al (2013)35 39 SAFA-A (s) ≥43 53% CDI (s) ≥19 23%
Castaneda et al (2013)33 23c NA NA NA BDI (s) 0–9=no symptoms
Depression: 9% mild
0% moderate- severe
Kuburovic et al (2014)47 50 SCARED (s, p) ≥25 14% MFQ (s) ≥27 10%
El-Najjar et al (2014)37 54 NA NA NA CES-DC (s) ≥15 19-60
Abdul-Sattar, Magd, et al (2014)38 52 NA NA NA CDI (s) >35 (Median) 36%
Abdul-Sattar, Elewa et al (2014)39 58 NA NA NA CDI (s) T-score ≥ 70 31%
Graziano et al (2016)48 15 CBCL (p) NS NS CBCL (p) NS NS
Memari et al (2016)41 51c CBCL (p) ≥98th percentile 13% CBCL (p) ≥98th percentile 27%
Butler et al (2018)29 22 MINI-KID Diagnostic Criteria for Phobia, Generalized Anxiety, Separation Anxiety 64% (baseline)
56% (6 months)
MINI-KID Major Depressive Disorder 36% (baseline)
22% (6 months)
Hanns et al (2018)46 102 NA NA NA MFQ ≥27 15%
Kayan Ocakoglu et al (2018)23 24 1. KSADS-PL
SCARED ≥25 25% 1. KSADS-PL
2. CDI
CDI ≥19 31%

Notes: aInterquartiles ranges given when medians reported. bExcluded patients with known psychiatric disorders. cExcluded patients with active arthritis.

Abbreviations: STAI, State Trait Anxiety Inventory; SCARED, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders; CDI, Children’s Depression Inventory; RCMAS, Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale; MINI-KID, Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents; MFQ, Mood and Feeling Questionnaire; CES-DC, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children; SAFA-A, Self-Administered Psychiatric Scales for Children and Adolescents-Anxiety Questionnaire; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CBCL, Child Behavior Checklist; KSADS-PL, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present and Lifetime Version; S, self-report; p, parent-proxy report; NS, not stated; N/A, not applicable.

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