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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Nov 5.
Published in final edited form as: Curr Biol. 2018 Jul 26;28(15):2400–2412.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.06.011
Figure Genotypes
1, 2A, 2B S1A, S1C, S2E, S3AS3D, and 5A5C D. melanogaster NM91 males (provided by Peter Andolfatto) courting pheromone insensitive and blind (PIBL) females (GMR-hid/GMR-hid; orco-/orco- [45, 46]). *, **
2E, 2F, and S3AS3D D. melanogaster NM91 males (provided by Peter Andolfatto) courting NM91 wild type females.
S1B, S1D, 2C, 2H2J, S2, 3A3D, 3F, 3G, S3ES3G, and 5A5C 8 D. melanogaster strains CM07, CarM03, N30, NM91, TZ58, ZH23, ZW109 (provided by Peter Andolfatto or the Drosophila species stock center), and Canton S (lab stock).
Males courting PIBL females *,**.
2D P1-TrpA1: UAS>stop>TrpA1/+; fruFLP/NP2631 (fruFLP [42] provided by Barry Dickson;UAS>stop>TrpA1 was generated in [16]; NP2631 [16, 42] was obtained from the Kyoto stock center)
3E Canton S(WT1), GMR-hid/GMR-hid;+ (blind [46]), +; orco-/orco- (Pheromone Insensitive or PI [45]) in a Canton S background, NM91 (WT2), arista cut 20 hr prior to experiment (deaf) in an NM91 background, *,**. Males court PIBL females.
2H2J, S1B, S2AS2D, and S2H D. simulans (sim194, sim195, simNS05), D. mauritiana strains (mau317, mauR12, mauR61), and D. sechellia (sec137, sec138, secAQTNF25) (provided by P. Andolfatto). Males court females of the same strain.
4B4D and S4AS4D P1 (R71G01): w/+; GMR71G01-LexA/+; LexAop-CsChrimson/+ (GMR71G01-LexA [22] and LexAop-CsChrimson [30] were obtained from the Bloomington stock center, GMR71G01-LexA [22] was contributed to the Bloomington stock center by Gerry Rubin, and LexAop-csChrimson [30] by Vivek Jayaraman). P1a: UAS-CsChrimson/+; GMR15A01-AD (attp40)/BRP>stop>-V5-2A-LexA-VP16, LexAop-myr-tdtomato; GMR71G01-DBD (attp2)/LexAop-GCaMP6s (GMR15A01-AD (attp40); GMR71G01-DBD (attp2) [23] provided by David Anderson; UAS-CsChrimson [30] and LexAop-GCaMP6s [47] were obtained from the Bloomington stock center (UAS-CsChrimson [30] was contributed to the stock center by Vivek Jayaraman and LexAop-GCaMP6s [47] by Douglas Kim)). pIP10: w/+; UAS>stop>CsChrimson/+; VT40556, FruFLP/+ (VT40556 [16] and FruFLP [42] were provided by Barry Dickson; UAS>stop>CsChrimson [30] was provided by Vivek Jayaraman). vPR6: w/+; UAS>stop>CsChrimson/+; VT57239, FruFLP/+ (VT57239 [16, 42] was provided by Barry Dickson).
4E and 5E pIP10-control: +/+; fruFLP/VT40556. control-Kir: R53G02AD attP40/UAS-Kir2.1. control-TNT:
R53G02AD attP40/UAS-TNT. pIP10-Kir: UAS>stop>Kir2.1/+; fruFLP/VT40556**. pIP10-TNT: UAS>stop>TNT/+; fruFLP/VT40556**. Males court PIBL females. (R53G02AD attP40 was obtained from the Bloomington stock center and contributed by Gerry Rubin; UAS>stop>Kir2.1 was provided by Troy Shirangi; Kir2.1 and TNT where described in [31] and [32], respectively).
4F4I, S4E, S4F, and 5F ps1-TNT: R48F07-LexA, p65/LexAop2-FlpL; R73C03-GAL4/UAS>stop>TNT [14]. ps1-control: R48F07-LexA, p65/LexAop2-FlpL; R73C03-GAL4/UAS>stop>TNTinactive (R48F07-LexA, p65/LexAop2-FlpL; R73C03-GAL4 [14] was provided by Troy Shirangi; UAS>stop>TNT and UAS>stop>TNTinactive [16] were obtained from the Bloomington stock center and contributed by Barry Dickson). Males court NM91 wild type females.
5G, 5H, S5A, and S5B pIP10: w/+; UAS>stop>CsChrimson/+; VT40556, FruFLP/+. Males court NM91 wild type females.

All ‘+’ chromosomes come from NM91.


indicates data previously published in [10].


indicates data previously published in [11].