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. 2019 Oct 28;9(10):e030780. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030780

Table 1. Prevalence of lifestyle factors according to glucocorticoid use in women and men.

Ever use Current use Recent use Former use Never use Total
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)
All 2460 (100) 301 (100) 489 (100) 1670 (100) 13 485 (100) 15 945 (100)
Median age (range), years 61 (25–98) 66 (26–94) 58 (25–98) 58 (25–98) 52 (25–101) 53 (25–101)
Body mass Index
 <18.5 58 (2.7) 17 (5.4) 15 (3.9) 26 (1.8) 310 (2.6) 368 (2.6)
 18.5–24 1113 (45) 126 (38) 218 (44) 769 (46) 7203 (54) 8316 (52)
 25–29 717 (28) 89 (31) 120 (23) 508 (29) 3718 (27) 4435 (27)
 ≥30 444 (18) 50 (17) 105 (22) 289 (17) 1862 (14) 2306 (14)
 Missing 128 (6.3) 19 (8.2) 31 (7.3) 78 (5.6) 392 (3.3) 520 (3.8)
 Current 552 (22) 66 (20) 112 (22) 374 (22) 2744 (21) 3296 (21)
 Former 765 (30) 111 (35) 148 (30) 506 (29) 3913 (28) 4678 (28)
 Never 1047 (44) 107 (40) 206 (42) 734 (45) 6535 (49) 7582 (48)
 Missing 96 (4.2) 17 (4.6) 23 (5.3) 56 (3.9) 293 (2.4) 389 (2.7)
 Unhealthy 191 (7.9) 29 (9.7) 36 (7.6) 126 (7.7) 852 (6.8) 1043 (7.0)
 Reasonably healthy 1425 (58) 181 (62) 280 (57) 964 (57) 8021 (60) 9446 (59)
 Healthy 730 (29) 72 (22) 143 (27) 515 (31) 4234 (30) 4964 (30)
 Missing 114 (5.2) 19 (5.5) 30 (7.6) 65 (4.4) 378 (3.2) 492 (3.5)
Alcohol intake
 Low-risk consumption 1832 (76) 231 (80) 376 (77) 340 (74) 10 146 (75) 11 978 (75)
 High-risk consumption 458 (17) 43 (12) 75 (13) 1225 (18) 2730 (20) 3188 (19)
 Missing 170 (7.9) 27 (8.1) 38 (9.2) 105 (7.5) 609 (4.7) 779 (5.2)
Participation in regular leisure time physical activity
 No 1179 (49) 171 (59) 245 (53) 763 (46) 5853 (44) 7032 (45)
 Yes 1209 (48) 121 (39) 228 (44) 860 (50) 7354 (54) 8563 (53)
 Missing 72 (3.2) 9 (2.3) 16 (3.2) 47 (3.3) 278 (2.3) 350 (2.4)
All 2042 (100) 262 (100) 396 (100) 1384 (100) 12 258 (100) 14 300 (100)
Median age (range), years 61 (25–98) 65 (28–94) 57 (25–88) 59 (25–100) 53 (25–99) 54 (25–100)
Body mass Index
 <18.5 21 (1.3) 6 (4.0) 6 (1.8) 9 (5.3) 40 (0.04) 61 (0.6)
 18.5–24 644 (33) 88 (34) 128 (34) 428 (32) 4572 (39) 5216 (38)
 25–29 959 (46) 116 (41) 188 (46) 655 (47) 5566 (44) 6525 (44)
 ≥30 365 (17) 47 (19) 65 (14) 253 (18) 1864 (15) 2229 (15)
 Missing 53 (2.8) 5 (2.2) 9 (3.5) 39 (2.6) 216 (1.7) 269 (1.9)
 Current 518 (27) 64 (27) 98 (26) 356 (27) 3072 (27) 3590 (27)
 Former 843 (38) 126 (43) 157 (36) 560 (38) 4022 (30) 4865 (31)
 Never 630 (32) 67 (27) 132 (35) 431 (32) 4968 (42) 5598 (41)
 Missing 51 (2.8) 5 (2.2) 9 (3.2) 37 (2.8) 196 (1.6) 247 (1.8)
 Unhealthy 310 (15) 47 (15) 63 (15) 200 (15) 1906 (16) 2216 (16)
 Reasonably healthy 1301 (64) 159 (62) 253 (65) 889 (64) 7874 (64) 9175 (64)
 Healthy 342 (15) 38 (13) 68 (16) 236 (15) 2069 (17) 2411 (16)
 Missing 89 (5.1) 18 (9.3) 12 (3.2) 59 (4.9) 409 (3.4) 498 (3.6)
Alcohol intake
 Low-risk consumption 1489 (72) 184 (70) 293 (73) 1012 (72) 9231 (75) 10 720 (75)
 High-risk consumption 443 (22) 62 (21) 81 (19) 300 (22) 2588 (21) 3031 (21)
 Missing 110 (6.7) 16 (8.7) 22 (7.6) 72 (6.0) 439 (3.5) 549 (4.0)
Participation in regular leisure time physical activity
 No 1128 (54) 82 (65) 214 (52) 739 (52) 6265 (50) 7393 (51)
 Yes 874 (44) 175 (32) 171 (45) 621 (46) 5791 (48) 6665 (48)
 Missing 40 (2.2) 5 (2.6) 11 (2.7) 24 (2.0) 202 (1.6) 242 (1.7)

Percentages are weighted. Never use: Ppersons who never redeemed a prescription for a systemic glucocorticoid before completing the questionnaire. Ever use: Aat least one redemption of a prescription for a systemic glucocorticoid before completing the questionnaire. Current use: Rredemption of a prescription for a systemic glucocorticoid ≤90 days before completing the questionnaire. Recent use: Rredemption of a prescription for a systemic glucocorticoid 91–365 days before completing the questionnaire. Former use: Rredemption of a prescription for a systemic glucocorticoid >365 days before completing the questionnaire.