Figure 5.
The IBM does not significantly affect the number of SAB specificities that cross the clinical cut-off of MFI 5000 between consecutive measurements. (A and C) Swarm plots of the number of SAB specificities, in individual patients, with MFI values that cross the 5000 MFI threshold between consecutive measurements for five different IBM categories (in days), for (A) class 1 and (C) class 2 HLA antigens. The IBM category is denoted by differently colored dots. (B and D) Individual swarm plots of the number of 5000 MFI threshold crossings for the five IBM categories. Each group contains the same number of measurements: (B) n=253 for class 1 and (D) n=242 for class 2. After correcting for multiple hypothesis testing, no pair of time differences showed a significantly different mean number of threshold crossings.