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. 2019 Nov 2;9(11):e032727. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032727

Table 1.

Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome (PICO) tool

PICO Description Search terms and connectors
Population Individuals from socioeconomically deprived groups, defined through either individual or area level indicators (Depriv* or disadvantage* or inequit* or socioeconomic or socio-economic or sociodemographic or socio-demographic or social class or deprivation group or poverty or low income or social welfare).tw.
Intervention A range of interventions including individual and group counselling, self-help materials, pharmacological interventions (eg, nicotine replacement therapy), social and environmental support, comprehensive programmes and incentives Smoking Cessation/ and (intervention* or initiative* or strategy* or program* or scheme* or outcome* or approach*).tw.
Comparison All study types with a pre-intervention/post-intervention and/or a control group
Outcome Primary outcome: smoking abstinence
Secondary outcome: moderating variables (eg, nicotine dependence, quit motivation, self-efficacy, social support and influences)
((nicotine or tobacco or smok* or cigarette) adj (quit* or stop* or cess* or cease* or cut down or “giv* up” or reduc*)).tw.