Intracellular cytokine levels in different cell types. Whole blood
from eight donors was incubated for 4 h with N.
meningitidis wt (108/ml), N.
meningitidis lpxL1mutant (lpxL1)
(108/ml) or vehicle (no bacteria), and flow cytometry
measurements of intracellular cytokines performed. In (a) the gating
strategy used to identify the different types of WBCs is shown. WBCs
are shown in gate I, CD3+ lymphocytes in gate III,
granulocytes in gate IV and CD14+ monocytes in gate V.
The cytokine fluorescence intensity (FI) levels of IL-6, IL-8 and
TNF-α for monocytes, lymphocytes and granulocytes are displayed in
overlay histograms of one representative donor, with lines in black
(vehicle), red (108/ml N. meningitidis
wt) and blue (108/ml N. meningitidis
lpxL1 mutant). In (b) intracellular levels of IL-6,
IL-8 and TNF-α in monocytes, lymphocytes and granulocytes are
presented as median (range) of MFI. *(Top of charts) indicates
significant differences in intracellular cytokine MFI between the wt
and vehicle or between the lpxL1 mutant and vehicle
(P < 0.05). *(Below charts) indicates
significant differences between the wt and the
lpxL1 mutant (P < 0.05).
ns: non-significant differences.